Mark Eichkorn The PebbleCreek Men’s Nine-Hole Golf Association (PCM9GA) kicked off their summer series with the Gold Bash. The tournament featured a Lone Ranger format, where one player was designated the Lone Ranger on each hole. The Lone Ranger’s net score was combined with the foursome’s other low net score. The team consisting of James…
Sports, July 2022
PCM9GA Is Cruising into Summer
The PebbleCreek Men’s Nine Hole Golf Association (PCM9GA) began to enjoy the thrill of the morning chill, as their tee-off time moved to 7:30 a.m. for the summer months. Two tournaments were held in May. Winners of the Summer Citizens Tournament included the front nine flight team, consisting of Bill Priebe, Fred Schwartz, Mickey Osterneck, and…
Sports, June 2022
PCM9GA April Recap and Upcoming Events
The PebbleCreek Men’s Nine-Hole Golf Association (PCM9GA) had an enjoyable April as they moved toward their summer season. The Men and Lady Niners held a “Guys and Dolls” joint golf outing. The men followed this up with their Spring Celebration Tournament. The Guys and Dolls event was a 2 low net shamble, on Tuscany East,…
Sports, May 2022
PCM9GA March Madness
The Niners had a busy March, starting off by giving back to the local community with a donation to Kare Bears. They followed up their community spirit with their two-day club championship. The tournament was very competitive, with more than 120 golfers. Club champions were Eric Rohlman with the Low Gross score in the White…
Sports, April 2022
PCM9GA February Scoreboard
Mike Eichkorn The PebbleCreek Men’s Nine-Hole Golf Association (PCM9GA) had a busy February. Ronnie Decker, head professional of Eagle’s Nest, gave members a clinic on debunking common golf thoughts: Keeping the Head Down, Eye on the Ball, Left Arm Straight, and Swing Easy. Ronnie broke each of these down and emphasized key concepts on what…
Sports, March 2022
PCM9GA January Scoreboard
Mark Eichkorn The PebbleCreek Men’s Nine-Hole Golf Association (PCM9GA) rang in the new year with a couple of tournaments. A shamble was played on the Tuscany West course and a Three Low Net Tournament was played on Eagle’s Nest. Results: Team Shamble Alpha Flight 1st: Bjarne Kaer, Chuck Busker, Steve Shaver, John Peehl 2nd: Mark Eichkorn,…
Sports, February 2022
PCM9GA Scoreboard
Mark Eichkorn The PebbleCreek Men’s Nine-Hole Golf Association (PCM9GA) closed out the 2021 season with a bang. The Niners had their AZ Shuffle Tournament, Holiday Tournament, and holiday banquet. The holiday banquet was held at the Tuscany Ballroom with music (and dancing) provided by Rhythm Edition. AZ Shuffle Winners Flight 1 1st: Steve Rottger, Robert…
Sports, November 2021
PCM9GA August and September Tournament Results
Mark Eichkorn The PebbleCreek Men’s Nine Hole Golf Association (PCM9GA) completed the summer season with two September tournament competitions, a 2 Low Net Even Holes and 3 Low Net Odd Holes Tournament and a 2 Low Net Tournament, and then cruised into fall with regular stroke play. August Results Goofy Golf Tournament Results (players limited to bringing four clubs):…
Sports, September 2021
PCM9GA’s Goofy Golf Tournament Highlights
Mark Eichkorn The PebbleCreek Men’s Nine Hole Golf Association continued 7 a.m. shotgun starts to beat the summer heat. July golf included regular stroke play with weekly prizes for closest to the pin and long putt. This month, we spotlight two of our volunteers for their service: Bill Lansing, board member (director of golf operations), and…
Sports, July 2021
PCM9GA May Results
Mark Eichkorn As warmer weather arrived, the 9 Holers moved to morning tee times for those braving the summer Arizona temperatures. This month’s team events included the four man scramble and the four man best ball cha cha cha tournament. Individual competition included low gross and low net, in addition to weekly closest to the…