Marilu Trainor The theme for a Nov. 14 lunch sponsored by the PebbleCreek Ladies Who Lunch was Give Thanks to the Goodyear Firefighters, for everything they do for us and their service to our community each day. More than 30 members of the former PebbleCreek Girlfriends Group hosted 20 Goodyear Fire Department personnel for a…
January 2025, Front Page
Give Thanks to Firefighters
January 2025, Front Page
TWGC Kicks Off a New Year
Dana West TWGC American Heart Walk Update! The members of The Women’s Giving Circle (TWGC), along with many generous PebbleCreek residents, have once again shown what it truly means to be caring and supportive. The American Heart Walk on Nov. 16 was a resounding success, surpassing all expectations! Our team not only achieved 320% of…
January 2025, Front Page
Men’s Second Annual Tennis Doubles Championships Crowns New Champions
Vikki Constable, 2023-24 Tennis Club Tournament Director The PebbleCreek Tennis Club hosted the Men’s Doubles Championship for the second year in November 2024. The men’s tournament spanned over five mornings of play, with the fittest, the strongest, using their wits and mind (throw in a confused scratch your head, “what score is it?”) competing for…
January 2025, Front Page
Lady Niners Golf League
January 2025, Front Page
Picacho Signature Hike
Lynn Warren For the current hiking season, the club introduced a new category of hike that is designed to have less experienced hikers accompany more experienced hikers on a few selected hikes which enables these hikers to enjoy some advanced areas that normally would be achieved only by higher level hikers. These hikes have been…
January 2025, Front Page
Get to Know the PAC
Dave Silverstein, Performing Arts Council The PebbleCreek Performing Arts Council (PAC) will present an informative and entertaining event in our theater on Feb. 6 at 10 a.m. The four groups who comprise the PAC are PebbleCreek Players (dramas and comedies), ShowTime (musicals and revues), PC Singers, and PC Musicians. Each group will spend a few…