Brenda Weide Summer is in full swing at the pickleball courts. If you drive by the courts during midday it seems to be deserted. But if you go by early in the morning you would see that the courts are busy as usual. The 4th of July Pickleball Social was a bang this year. The courts were full…
Category: August 2023
Features, August 2023
Pet of the Month: Meet Maili

Ken Duvall This is Maili. She is an 8-month-old Tibetan Terrier. As one would expect, they hail from Tibet where they were considered the Holy Dog of Tibet by the local monks. Their job in the Tibetan Monasteries is that of the alarm system. When they notice a potential intruder coming up the trail, they…
Features, August 2023
Word of the Month: Piastre
David Zapatka Reader Chuck Hakkarinen, commenting on the May WOTM column, writes, “In the 20th century, Paladin was the name of the character played by actor Richard Boone in the TV western “Have Gun, Will Travel.” He was quite the dandy, living in San Francisco, quoting the Classics, fast on the draw. I think he typically…
Features, August 2023
In Passing
Sports, August 2023
Bocce Members Help Out St. Mary’s Food Bank
Generals, August 2023
High Holiday Services

Gloria Kornbluth The High Holiday Services will once again be led by Rabbi David Meyer. Rosh Hashanah, with a Kiddush luncheon following the service, is on Sept. 16, Kol Nidre is on Sept. 24, and Yom Kippur service is on Sept. 25. Services are open to all residents of PebbleCreek. The cost for all three services,…
Front Page, August 2023
Camera Club Photo of the Month
Sports, August 2023
The Amigos—a Tennis Tradition

Donna Gillen Charlie Reinert has been leading the Amigos tennis group for several years. He shared with me the beginnings of this amazing group of dedicated he-man tennis players. The group started in 2011 organized by Ray Catalan, Steve Owens, Will Smith, Tom Reed, and Charlie. The group slowly grew in players and brought a…
Features, August 2023
Artist of the Month: Ceramics Club: Carol Coudert

Susan Eastman How would you like to live in Europe for a year? That question was put to Carol Coudert shortly after she and husband, Ernie, bought their house in PebbleCreek. Ernie had been offered a position with NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, as a civilian financial analyst. The contract term was actually four…
Clubs & Classes, August 2023
News from the Shalom Club

Judy Freidman The Shalom Club has kept its members busy during the hot summer months. Mark Frumkin, our events coordinator, arranged a wonderful happy hour at Roman’s Oasis with an included line dance lesson. Everyone had a great time! Master beader Anne Hesse hosted a beading class at her home that was both educational and enjoyable. We…