Tag: wellness

We Did It! Water Fitness Participants Lose 250 Pounds!

The water fitness classes participants met their challenge of losing 250 pounds by April 1. They combined healthy eating along with water exercise to reach their goal. The challenge started on Jan. 1 and went through March 31. Weight loss was recorded on an honorary system. Instructors  Helen Limjoco, Janet Stumps, Isela Sanders, and Sue White…

Kare Bears’ Korner – April 2024

Luck of the Irish at Share Bears Bingo Nicki Forbes-Robinson Leprechauns, shamrocks, and lots of green decor decorated the bingo parlor in March. The game winners all received fun Irish hats with fringe. We meet Fridays for social time at 10:30 a.m. with games starting at 11 a.m. We serve refreshments in the Eagle’s Nest…

Essential Oils in the Laundry Room

JoAnne Gaudioso Doing laundry may not always be the most exciting way to spend your time, but it is a task everyone has to face on a weekly or perhaps even daily basis. You can enhance your laundry routine with the cleansing power of essential oils. The most common benefit of using essential oils in…

2 Your Health: The Hidden Impact of Prolonged Sitting

Brad Scott, AzOPT Are you a professional sitter? Today, we live in a world with incredible advancements in technological development and assistance. In general, life is so much easier and more comfortable. For some, we can view our lives as relatively luxurious, especially compared to the lives of other generations. However, we have also significantly…

’Tis the Season for Essential Oil Use

JoAnne Gaudioso Have you begun your preparations for the upcoming holiday season? Are you trying to keep anxiety and stress to a minimum? Are you trying to find that perfect gift for each person on your list? Maybe I can help you with some natural product ideas that will not only be a fun gift,…

Kare Bears’ Korner

What’s new at Kare Bears? Joyce Van Ornam, President Let’s start with you! If you are new to PebbleCreek, you are new to Kare Bears. Kare Bears is an organization unique to PebbleCreek. It was founded in 1995 by Rayma Scalzo as a “neighbors helping neighbors” organization. Everyone who lives in PebbleCreek is automatically a…