Tag: Unit Happenings

Unit Happenings – January 2024

Unit 3 Holiday Gathering Linda Babcock Neighbors in Unit 3 enjoyed a very social holiday evening on Dec. 3. We gathered for appetizers and a bring-it-yourself drink at the home of Rich and Maureen Wilson. Next, secret slips were drawn indicating which of four homes you would gather for the main entrée, salad, and bread.…

Unit Happenings

Unit 3 Neighbors Rooting for Favorite Teams Linda Babcock On Oct. 30, 19 neighbors from Unit 3 got together at the home of Randy and Shonnie Harrison to root for their favorite team, either the Raiders or the Lions. In addition, the World Series with the Diamondbacks and the Texas Rangers was viewed on the big screen outside.…

Unit Happenings – November 2023

Unit 3 Ladies’ Luncheon Linda Babcock The ladies of Unit 3 gathered for lunch on Oct. 9 at the Eagle’s Nest restaurant. It was nice getting together with neighborhood friends after a summer hiatus. It was quite apparent the group was pleased to get together once more judging by the accelerated conversations. More gatherings are…

Unit Happenings – October 2023

Unit 8 August Ladies’ Luncheon The ladies of Unit 8 had a terrific luncheon at Eagle’s Nest in August. As always, we shared great camaraderie, and the restaurant provided friendly service and excellent food. We vary the restaurant each month, so the dates may change based on the availability of the selected restaurant. Newcomers to…

Unit Happenings

Unit 8 Ladies’ Luncheon The ladies of Unit 8 stayed close to home as the temperatures rose outside, choosing Eagle’s Nest for our monthly luncheon. Then locales vary each month, and the date changes based on the availability of the selected restaurant. Newcomers to and long-time residents of Unit 8 are all welcome to join us—we…

Unit Happenings

Unit 8 Ladies’ Luncheon The ladies of Unit 8 had a wonderful time and great food as we beat the June heat at The Vic in Verrado. Our luncheon locales vary each month and the date changes based on the availability of the selected restaurant. Newcomers to and long-time residents of Unit 8 are all welcome…

Unit Happenings

Unit 12 High Tea Luncheon Cheryl D. Macken Unit 12 ladies recently visited the Pink Door Tea House for a fun and fancy high noon tea. Check out all the different hats we wore! Unit 20 May Ladies’ Lunch Peggy Pase The ladies of Unit 20 enjoyed lunch together at Olive Garden on May 18. It was…

Unit Happenings

Unit 3 Gals’ Day Out Linda Babcock The Gals of Unit 3 and a couple of invited friends enjoyed a luncheon at the Tuscany Falls boardroom on April 20. Each guest was given an envelope with jokes or words of inspiration to share. This was a social afternoon filled with laughter and fun. Thanks to…

Unit Happenings

Unit 26 Ladies’ Luncheon Gena Wikstrom The ladies from Unit 26 met in March to enjoy camaraderie and great food and had the opportunity to welcome our newest resident, Cindy Whiffen. The monthly lunches are organized by Colleen McMaster and all ladies living in Unit 26 are invited to attend. Unit 26 Welcomes New Neighbors…

Unit Happenings

Unit 4 Valentine’s Day Happy Hour Nancy Love To celebrate both our neighborhood and Valentine’s Day, 35 residents of Unit 4 gathered at the home of Kathy Bates. Although the rain was showering down, the wind was enveloping, and the temperature was in the 50s, we stayed dry on the patio or around the kitchen…