Tag: tennis

Men’s Drop-In Tennis January Birthday Celebrations

Ken Minichiello Men’s Drop-In Tennis started 2025 with the celebration of four January birthdays. As usual, Sig Mueller provided his very special baked cake and pastries for the occasion. Celebrating birthdays this month were Dennis Daniel, Mike Brady, Rellen Jones, and Lou Tronzo. Lou was presented with a specially prepared history book by Dennis DeFrain…

Visitors and Residents Can Play Tennis Anytime!

Barbara Camozzi Do you have family or friends coming to PebbleCreek who want to play some tennis? If your visitors are tennis players, the PC Tennis Club has many playing opportunities when registering on our court reservation system. We now have a new Tennis Pro providing various daily clinics, classes, and drills. Visitors can sign up for…

Tennis Lessons

Dennis Whitley Have you ever wanted to learn the game of tennis but did not know how to get started, or maybe you played many years ago and would like to get back to the game? Here’s your chance to be introduced or reintroduced to tennis, the game that you can enjoy for a lifetime.…

Men’s Drop-In Tennis Is Cool!

Ken Minichiello The current heat wave isn’t keeping Men’s Drop-In Tennis players off the courts thanks to an IcyBreeze portable A/C unit! With drop-in’s rotating format, the person sitting out during play can take full advantage of the air-conditioned air being provided at the bench. A special thank you to John Haas for personally purchasing…

Men’s Drop-In Tennis Annual Party

Ken Minichiello It was a perfect sunny day for the Men’s Drop-In Tennis Party in March at the Oasis Pool. Everyone had a great time enjoying not only the camaraderie and socialization among the players and their wives or significant others, but also for the great food that included BBQ, hamburgers and hot dogs, homemade…

Stingers Tennis Team Buzzing with Activity

Norma Whitley It is halfway into the tennis match season for the Stingers Tennis Team. The weather has cooled off tremendously from the heat of this past summer and fall. Still, the team is practicing and ready for match play with other active senior communities in the west valley. The West Valley Women’s Tennis League…

Thank You to Our Tennis Club Boards

Donna Gillen Only one more month before I go on to other endeavors within the Tennis Club—it has been wonderful. Our tennis board brings so much passion and guardianship to our club. The two presidents I have worked under have led with different styles, but with a drive to elevate the club each year. Michael…

Poker Tennis

Donna Gillen Who ever thought you could lose your tennis game and still be a winner? Well, Vikki Constable, tournament director for the tennis club, came up with a winner of an event: “Poker Tennis.” The concept was simple: win or lose, you get a playing card. At the end of the five sets of…

Tennis at PebbleCreek

Donna Gillen Excitement is brewing on the courts as we “fall” into autumn. Our Tournament Director, Vikki Constable, and our Social Director, Sharon Connors, have been busy this summer planning events to kick off the next season of activities and adventures for our members. First in the lineup is the return of the Welcome Back…