Thank You to Our Tennis Club Boards

Donna Gillen

Only one more month before I go on to other endeavors within the Tennis Club—it has been wonderful. Our tennis board brings so much passion and guardianship to our club.

The two presidents I have worked under have led with different styles, but with a drive to elevate the club each year. Michael Stepien came in this year with good business sense. His leadership has opened new avenues for the club. Shelley Bain needed to navigate the club through the COVID-19 shutdown and reopening. She did it with caution while keeping the club viable. She immediately provided Zoom meetings for the club, which had great attendance. She worked closely with the HOA in complying with all restrictions necessary. She slowly reopened our events with the help of Joan Patchin and Aquine Jackson. Those three devised ways to continue activities through carefully planned competitive events and socials. Joan is given great credit for her solo work in making sure that at all events, food, and beverages were carefully prepared and served. Susan Hunt updated the website regularly with club information. Once again, letting the members know that even if the courts were closed, the club was still actively planning for future events.

The vice presidents during my tenure monitored the court’s upkeep and ball machine maintenance and worked closely with the HOA in keeping the courts safe, such as when courts are closed or open, inspections were required for damage and for safety reasons, and pathway lights were functioning. The VPs were very meticulous—a big Kudos to Randy Welsh, Steve Osterholt, and Jeff Gillen.

The treasurers of the club have worked closely with the president to keep our budget solid without raising dues. Their insight and diligence have been a blessing. Thank you to Rick Camozzi, our current treasurer, and his predecessors.

The website/communications chair, Gael DeRouin, must lead the club into a new upgraded website. His persistence in procuring modern systems for the club is stellar. We eagerly look forward to his choice for an easier and clearer format to activities that our members seek. I am grateful for his zeal for taking on this project. It definitely was not in his job description when he was elected.

This past year I had the pleasure of working with our competitive director, Vikki Constable. Vikki is tireless in creating new and exciting formats for competitive play. She thinks outside of the box and has really changed the scope of events and opportunities to participate. These coordinators (Aquine and Vikki) are what makes membership so special. Each club member has the opportunity to try something different while playing their favorite sport. We take this position for granted, but in reality, it is so important in keeping our club intimate and personal. I am awed by their work for the club—a big heap of gratitude.

Sharon Connors has a sweet smile and joyful heart, which is perfect for our social director. Thank you.

Thank you, PebbleCreek Tennis Club, for these wonderful three years.