Tag: PebbleCreek Community Church

Prayer Shawl Ministry at PebbleCreek Community Church

Jeanne Schimmelpfennig The Prayer Shawl Ministry started in 2014. After retiring, I was looking for God’s purpose and new direction in this phase of life. As I was doing my devotions one morning, I prayed about finding my purpose. I jotted down prayer shawls as a possibility. Within 30 minutes, a dear friend called and…

PCCC Gathers for an Evening of Christian Fellowship

Roxann Sykes Christian Fellowship is an important part of our PebbleCreek Community Church (PCCC). Worship service on Sunday mornings in Eagle’s Nest ballroom is, of course, the foundation of our congregation, but the opportunity to gather in an informal setting for fun and fellowship is equally important to Christian life. In April, the PCCC church…

Take Me Out to the Ballgame

Jan Kirk The Goodyear Ballpark home opener was the setting for fun and fellowship as members of PebbleCreek Community Church gathered on the Terrace. When the Fellowship Committee reserved the Terrace section for Friday, March 18, Major League Baseball owners and players were still in contract negotiations. At that time, it was unclear when, if…

PebbleCreek Community Church Elects New Officers

At our recent annual meeting, PebbleCreek Community Church (PCCC) elected new Elders, Deacons, and Trustees. These three boards serve principal functions within our congregation. The Elder Board is the governing body of our church. Its members serve both as spiritual leaders and as directors of our underlying nonprofit Arizona corporation. Joining this board to start…

Celebrate Easter with PebbleCreek Community Church

Phylice Walton After two seasons of COVID cancellations, PebbleCreek Community Church is excited to celebrate this Easter in our usual place of worship, the Eagle’s Nest Ballroom. Our PebbleCreek friends and neighbors are invited to share in all four of these Holy Week services. Holy Week services will begin Palm Sunday, April 10, at 9…

PebbleCreek Community Church Welcomes New Members

It was the privilege of our congregation to welcome 13 new members recently, several who just moved to our community and others who have been with us for a while. As we have been able to resume in-person worship services in the Eagle’s Nest Ballroom, we have welcomed a number of new people. For the…

PebbleCreek Community Church Celebrates Mission Sunday

Edna DeFord On Jan. 23, PebbleCreek Community Church (PCCC) celebrated Mission Sunday to recognize some of the people and organizations it supports, both locally and worldwide, throughout the year. While the COVID-19 pandemic forced plans for the day to be altered, the church was able to host Dr. Allan Sawyer, a physician volunteer with World…

PebbleCreek Community Church Seeks Music Director

Robert Ripley PebbleCreek Community Church seeks a part time (20 hours per week) music director. The general job details are listed below. If interested, please follow the submission instructions at the end. Our Church PebbleCreek Community Church (PCCC) is a non-denominational protestant church located within the community. The founders of our church sought to provide…

Christmas at PebbleCreek Community Church

Donna Giocomo PebbleCreek Community Church is excited to welcome back our friends and neighbors in PebbleCreek! The Christmas season is the perfect time to join us. Our church is back to in-person worship every Sunday at 9 a.m. in the Eagle’s Nest Ballroom, but you can still watch us online at our website, www.churchpcc.org. We…

PebbleCreek Community Church Seeks Music Director

Larry Sessoms Ours is a community of amazing talents. Thus, we turn first to you in our search for a director of music, replacing Donna Giocomo, who will be leaving us after years of wonderful service to PebbleCreek Community Church. This is a paid, part-time position. The music director leads our 30-member choir, but there…