PCCC Gathers for an Evening of Christian Fellowship

Ladies gather at the dance for the Electric Slide.

Roxann Sykes

Christian Fellowship is an important part of our PebbleCreek Community Church (PCCC). Worship service on Sunday mornings in Eagle’s Nest ballroom is, of course, the foundation of our congregation, but the opportunity to gather in an informal setting for fun and fellowship is equally important to Christian life.

In April, the PCCC church family gathered for our annual Spring Dinner Dance. The evening began in the Tuscany Portofino area for appetizers and beverages, followed by dinner in the Chianti Room, all provided by our outstanding PebbleCreek catering crew. Our master of ceremonies, Howard Atkinson, welcomed everyone. Many thanks go to Summer Solstice, including Kathy Mitchell and Steve Jensen, for song and music to make the evening even more memorable. Thanks also to Melissa Gonzales and her catering staff for their wonderful service throughout the evening. Dancing followed dinner.

As has been the case with many annual group events, the past two years have inhibited our ability to enjoy gatherings of this nature. We are grateful for this opportunity and look forward to many more like it in the future. To learn more about our church, check our website at www.churchpcc.org. Don’t hesitate to join us any Sunday for 9 a.m. worship in the Eagle’s Nest Ballroom, followed by a time for fellowship.