Tag: hiking

Picacho Signature Hike

Lynn Warren For the current hiking season, the club introduced a new category of hike that is designed to have less experienced hikers accompany more experienced hikers on a few selected hikes which enables these hikers to enjoy some advanced areas that normally would be achieved only by higher level hikers. These hikes have been…

Marilyn Reynolds Achieves Her 10,000 Mile Goal

Vicki Carter “You are never too old to set a new goal or to dream a new dream.”—C.S. Lewis For the many friends of Marilyn Reynolds, it came as no surprise when she announced that she was having two parties to celebrate her 75th birthday and her significant accomplishment of 10,000 hiking miles. In true…

Singles Go Hiking

Kathy Smith The weather wasn’t very cooperative on the day that the singles picked to go hiking at Hassayampa River Preserve. It was chilly with little rain, but seven members stuck it out to enjoy the 770–acre riparian nature preserve near Wickenburg. The Hassayampa River originates as a small spring on the north side of Mount…

PC Hiking Club Diary

Hikers Conduct a Pink Hike October was Breast Cancer Awareness Month; several members of the hiking club have been affected directly by this dreadful disease and others indirectly through friends or relatives. So, how might a hiking club show support for the fight against such a disease? With a hike, of course. On Oct. 16, 16 members…

PC Hiking Club Diary

“B” Hiker Raises the Bar Higher Lynn Warren has been hiking with the club since retiring from a long IT career with Boeing in 2011. Early on, there were a few club members who had accumulated several thousand miles, and he gave little thought to mileage records. As a young teenager, he was fortunate to…

PC Hiking Club Diary

Hikers Challenge Summer Heat Lynn Warren Since the valley was experiencing consecutive triple-digit days, PebbleCreek hikers started leaving at 5:30 a.m. to avoid the extreme temperatures later in the day. On July 5, five hardy and acclimated hikers enjoyed an 8-mile hike in nearby Estrella Mountain Regional Park, just south of PebbleCreek. The hike started on…

PC Hiking Club Diary

Hiker Reaches New Milestone Lynn Warren Dennis Zigmunt, former club treasurer and a current hike coordinator, is one of the Hiking Club’s octogenarians who apparently thinks of age as just another number and demonstrated this on May 2 when he recorded 6,000 trail miles since joining the club in 2015. For several years, Dennis has…

Hiking the Sonoran Loop

Lynn Warren The White Tank Mountains, just west of PebbleCreek, put on quite a colorful show this spring with lots of brittlebush, poppies, and other wildflowers, followed by outstanding saguaros in bloom. This Maricopa County regional park is a convenient treasure offering an impressive variety of terrain, scenery, and trails for PC hikers who hike…

PC Hiking Club Diary

Enjoying New Sights on Out-of-Area Hikes The PebbleCreek Hiking Club sponsors hikes six days/week. In addition, the club usually arranges some out-of-area hikes each year. On an April trip, three different groups of hikers traveled to Green Valley, south of Tucson. On day one two groups hiked in Saguaro National Park and one group explored…