Hikers Visit Dog Bone on July 4

Left to right: Dave Schuldt, Kris Raczkiewicz, Mary Hill, Clare Bangs, Lynn Warren (photographer), Marilyn Reynolds, and Diana Bedwell pausing for a patriotic group photo in the eastern section of Buckeye’s Dog Bone park.

Lynn Warren You’ve heard the phrase “Hotter Than the Fourth of July.” Well, this year, seven PebbleCreek hikers braved a hot and humid July 4 morning for a seven-mile RT hike to an interesting rock formation in the far east section of Buckeye’s Dog Bone park. This was not a strenuous hike, but everyone was…

Quilters Help a Man on a Mission

A portion of Koni's quilt made by the PC Quilters

Linda Rowe Mark Hohnbaum is the kind of guy who always puts a lot of thought into gifts for his wife, Koni. Koni is a nurse at Banner Del E Webb. Mark told PebbleCreek (PC) Quilters Club member Mary Sabatello, who had made masks and head coverings for Koni and other nurses, that he wanted to…

PCAC Spring Art Show “Judges Favorite” Winner

“Bloom Where You are Planted” by Judy Bihary

Charlene Romanos The PebbleCreek Art Club introduced their virtual spring show March 22 through April 12, 2020. Three independent judges made their selections for various honors, and their choice of show favorite was Judy Bihary’s “Bloom Where You are Planted.” Judy Bihary is an Arizona artist who holds both a bachelor’s and master’s degree in…

Bocce News

This photo is dedicated to all those essential workers who have helped keep us safe and healthy. Thank you for your service. (Photo was taken prior to the closure.)

Carolyn Rota Yes, it’s still hot, but it’s also Arizona in August. Since June and July when our community started to open up slowly, it became apparent that reminders about group gatherings, wearing masks, and washing hands once again became a priority. But we are a resilient people and we will once again, hopefully soon,…

Republican Club Hosts Patriotic Celebration 

Nancy Moore, Cindy Zaklan, Jodie Heinz, and Cindy Finnegan seated at one of the many high tops in the pub.

S ue Harrison On June 14, members of the PebbleCreek Republican Club celebrated Flag Day, President Trump’s birthday, and the United States Army’s 245th birthday. This patriotic event was held at N-Dub Pizza Pub in Goodyear and was decorated in our nation’s colors—red, white, and blue—with flags everywhere. Vice President Sue Harrison began with a…