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Category: February 2022
Generals, February 2022
Heart Healthy Eating—Info, Demo, and Tasting
Teri Sellers The PebbleCreek Alzheimer’s Support Group is available to all residents who have a loved one with Alzheimer’s or dementia. The group meets twice a month for a breakfast social and a support group meeting. Our goal is to provide support and information to families that are caring for a loved one with dementia.…
Generals, February 2022
Bestselling Author to Speak at P.E.O. Books ‘N Lunch Event
Deborah Chrisman P.E.O. Chapter DM is presenting the ninth annual scholarship benefit, Books ‘N Lunch, to be held at The Church at Litchfield Park, located at 300 N. Old Litchfield Road, on Saturday, March 26 at 10:30 a.m. Many members of Chapter DM reside in PebbleCreek. This year, the speaker will be Isabella Maldonado, author…
Generals, February 2022
PCSSA and the Year Ahead
Fred Dresser The new year has started, and the holidays are once again behind us. With that being said, the PebbleCreek Senior Softball Association (PCSSA) calendar is already getting pretty full. Here’s a quick view of the 2022 calendar: January sees the 27th season, well underway. February shows up, and the PCSSA players will drop their bats…
Generals, February 2022
Billiard Club Winners
Johnny Henson The Tuesday 8 a.m. Eight-Ball Tournament weekly winners are: Bob Macy, Marv Schrock, Gino Ranalli, Eric Spano, and Lynn Warren. Special thanks to Lynn Warren for helping run this tournament each week. The Friday 8 a.m. Nine-Ball Tournament weekly winners are: Bob Macy (three times), Al Vence, and Gino Ranalli. Special thanks to…
Generals, February 2022
PebbleCreek Pickleball Club’s 2022 Update
Mimi Blythe A continued Happy New Year to all! We are extremely grateful for all our members’ support and goodwill given to the club. With your help in 2021, the club accomplished a great deal: * Created a fabulous new website. * Membership passed a complete rewrite of club bylaws. * Played through challenges as…
Generals, February 2022
Patrol Report
Bill Kyle Patrol Dispatched Alarms All Other 6 All Facilities Locked PM 31 All Facilities Unlocked AM 31 Animal Rules Leash 1 Animals Lost and Found 3 Animals Misc. 2 Auto Accidents 1 Barking Dog 2 Bee Complaints 0 Building Check 20 Damage to Property 7 Dead Animal Pickup 11 Debris On Road 5 Disabled Vehicle 1 Disturbance 6 Dust/Dirt Complaint 0 Escort Guest/Homeowner 3 Flag and Sign Violations 1 Flat Tire Assistance 1 Gate…
Generals, February 2022
March is Coming to the Ballroom
The Ballroom Dance Club would like to invite all members and nonmembers to our casual March dance. It will be held on Friday, March 18, at the Tuscany Falls Ballroom from 7 to 10 p.m. Dance music will be provided by Vito Mandarino, a longtime musician of ballroom dancing, but he will also provide a…
Generals, February 2022
General Manager’s Message
Bill Barnard, General Manager As we get used to this being a new year, I would like to reflect on 2021, another year filled with uncertainty and difficulties, and look forward to some of what we can expect in 2022 from an operational view. While 2021 was still a very unpredictable year, the operations team…
Generals, February 2022
Thank You from Expressions Gallery and Gift Shop
Sherry Blatner The Expressions Gallery staff and all consignors would like to thank PebbleCreek residents for their support in 2021. It started out as a rough year but ended on a high note! You can continue your support as Valentine’s Day approaches on Monday, Feb. 14. You have just two weeks to organize your list…