TWGC Kicks Off a New Year

Dana West TWGC American Heart Walk Update! The members of The Women’s Giving Circle (TWGC), along with many generous PebbleCreek residents, have once again shown what it truly means to be caring and supportive. The American Heart Walk on Nov. 16 was a resounding success, surpassing all expectations! Our team not only achieved 320% of…

The Women’s Giving Circle of PebbleCreek News

Dana West Thank you to all the members who joined us for our October Happy Hours! It was a wonderful evening of socializing and fun for everyone. Annual Heart Walk The Women’s Giving Circle of PebbleCreek (TWGC) will participate in the American Heart Association’s Annual Heart Walk on Saturday, Nov. 16. All TWGC members, as…

TWGC News and Fall Meeting

Dana West The fall meeting of The Women’s Giving Circle (TWGC) will be held on Sept. 26 at 4:30 p.m. in the Chianti Room at Tuscany Falls. Please bring your annual dues of $25 to the meeting. We are also excited to welcome a guest speaker from the West Valley Heart Walk. At the September…

The Women’s Giving Circle News!

Dana West The Women’s Giving Circle (TWGC) fall meeting is scheduled for Sept. 26 at the Tuscany Falls Chianti Room. Please remember to bring your annual dues of $25 to the meeting. We will also have a representative from the West Valley Heart Walk as a guest speaker during the meeting. TWGC will be organizing…

After Amazing Spring TWGC Looks Forward to Summer

Jill Burnham and Dana West The Women’s Giving Circle’s (TWGC) 4th Annual Packing Party benefiting Go With The Flow (GWTF) was an overwhelming success under the leadership of Sherry Trefz. Watching the precision and camaraderie of the volunteers was a sight to behold as they packed 1,500 bags. More than 20,000 pieces of period products…

What’s Next for The Women’s Giving Circle?

Dana West Over the last three years, residents of PebbleCreek have risen to the occasion and helped The Women’s Giving Circle (TWGC) deliver tampons and pads to Go With The Flow (GWTF) (gowiththeflowaz.org). GWTF supports students and those who cannot buy period products. This is an ongoing need that exists throughout the Greater Phoenix area…

TWGC “Date with a Plate” Is a Phenomenal Success!

Jill Burnham Booker T. Washington said, “Those who are happiest are those who do the most for others.” This can certainly be said of the “Date with a Plate” committee whose commitment and many talents provided for another successful event. The Women’s Giving Circle (TWGC) members and residents of PebbleCreek are the happiest and most…

Women’s Giving Circle Upcoming Event

The Women’s Giving Circle (TWGC) members are excitedly preparing for our 2nd annual Date with a Plate event to be held Thursday, Jan. 25, from 3 to 5 p.m. in the Chianti Room. The overwhelming success of last year’s event has piqued the interest of residents who have expressed a desire to share their creativity, so that we…