Tag: Republican Club

PebbleCreek Republican Club First Meeting of the Year

Camille Grabb On Jan. 6, red tablecloths with “proud patriotic” centerpieces in the Tuscany Falls Ballroom welcomed the PebbleCreek Republican Club (PCRC) patriots to their first meeting of 2022. The meeting began with a prayer. After the Pledge, there was a moment of silence to honor members who passed during 2021: George Benz, Jeffrey Fischer,…

Republicans Welcome the Holidays

Camille Grabb On Dec. 2, the Republican Club gathered around the Christmas and Hanukkah décor set up in the Tuscany Falls Ballroom to begin the season’s holiday festivities. Following the installation of the club’s 2022 officers, President Harrison introduced some of the 2022 candidates in attendance for Goodyear, Maricopa County, and the state of Arizona,…

Republican Club Plans a Busy Election Year

Camille Grabb The new year 2022 promises to be filled with election enthusiasm; circle Tuesday, Nov. 8 on your calendar! The PebbleCreek Republican Club (PCRC), honored as The Best Republican Club in all of Arizona, is organizing many opportunities for you to be a well-informed, educated, and knowledgeable voter. President Sue Harrison welcomes newly elected Vice…

Republican Club Had a Busy Month

Camille Grabb It seems a long way off, but if you’re a candidate running for office, the 2022 Arizona elections (Primary Aug. 2 and General Nov. 8) will be here before you know it! Being voted Arizona’s Best Republican Club means our club is top priority for candidates to visit who want to meet serious-minded voters.…

Republican Club Hosts Candidates

Camille Grabb Elections! Elections! Elections! Is it really that time, again? As good citizens and prudent taxpayers, it’s our personal responsibility to become as educated as we possibly can to cast our valuable votes. Arizona’s federal, state, and local primaries aren’t scheduled until Aug. 2, 2022. That may seem like a long time off, but…

Republican Club Kicks Off Meet the Candidates Series

Sue Harrison The PebbleCreek Republican Club has planned a Meet the Candidates series. The club invited candidates to speak about their platform and qualifications to serve in a number of public offices, including U.S. Senate, AZ Governor, AZ Secretary of State, AZ Treasurer, Superintendent of Public Instruction, and Corporate Commissioner. We kicked off the eeries…

Republican Club Hosts Guest Speaker Dr. Kelli Ward

Dr. Kelli Ward, Republican Party of Arizona chairwoman, and Lola Jorgensen, PCRC member

Sue Harrison On April 17, the PebbleCreek Republican Club held a membership meeting at the Bullard Wash Amphitheater. Over 100 members attended to hear Dr. Kelli Ward, Republican Party of Arizona chairwoman, address the crowd. The meeting was called to order by club president, Sue Harrison. Membership chair, Linda Kesselman, led the club prayer, followed…

Republican Club Welcomes Author Loren Spivack

Nicholas Damask, PhD

Sue Harrison On Jan. 9, the PebbleCreek Republican Club held its monthly meeting at the outdoor Bullard Wash Amphitheater. It was a perfect sunny afternoon for the event. President Doug Krause welcomed our members and thanked Steve Jensen for setting up the sound system and the volunteers who helped with logistics. After a prayer for…

Republican Club Hosts Zoom Meeting with Debbie Lesko

U.S. Congresswoman Debbie Lesko of Arizona’s 8th Congressional District

Sue Harrison While PebbleCreek’s clubhouses and gathering venues have been closed, the PebbleCreek Republican Club has continued to stay connected through technology. Many club members quickly became tech savvy with online meeting applications, including Zoom. Zoom has allowed members to stay up-to-date on current events and to discuss important issues. On July 14, the PebbleCreek…