Tag: Pet of the Month

Pet of the Month: Introducing Leilani

My name is Leilani, or Lani for short. My mom (Diane Randecker) said she’s a “foster fail.” A friend of Sue Ann Olsavicky (cat rescue leader) found me at a bus stop in 110-degree heat and promptly took me to Sue Ann’s house. Sue Ann put out the call for help to foster. My mom volunteered to…

Pet of the Month: A New Life for Shalom

Melinda Klinka My name is Shalom. I had a bad life before moving into my mom’s house in PebbleCreek. For two years, I lived in a crate with six other dogs. Then, someone rescued me and I was at Small Dog Rescue in Phoenix for five months. My mom, Pam Wallace, looked at my picture on the…

Pet of the Month: Introducing Benji

Hello friends! My name is Benji and I am a cat resident here in cozy PebbleCreek! I love the community and really enjoy cat life here at home with my mom and dad, Ken and Norma Klinger. I’m a beautiful fluffy orange and white male tabby. I was 9 months old when my parents rescued…

Pet of the Month: Meet Maxwell Edison (aka Eddie)

Lynn Gresko Eddie is a 10-year-old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, born in Edgeley (north Philly), Penn., in May 2013. Eddie is the second of two Cavies that we’ve had, the other being Penny Lane or Laney. We love Cavies because they are smart, fun, loyal, love to please their owners, and don’t require too much exercise. Eddie’s favorite…

Pet of the Month: The Beginnings of Brando

Hello everyone. My name is Brando. I am a 3-year-old red and white Papillon. In the first months of my life my “foster mother” was determined to find a loving home for me to live. She chose a house where a nice lady in a wheelchair lived. This seemed ideal, but this woman was not able to…

Pet of the Month: A Gift from Jaxson Boy

Tim Pisarski This story starts in 2021 when I decided to retire to PebbleCreek in December of that year. At the time, I had a Bichon pup named Jaxson, who I had for 13 years and was my constant companion. He was having a very difficult year, healthwise, between diabetes and glaucoma. Unfortunately, he passed away…

Pet of the Month: Meet Maili

Ken Duvall This is Maili. She is an 8-month-old Tibetan Terrier. As one would expect, they hail from Tibet where they were considered the Holy Dog of Tibet by the local monks. Their job in the Tibetan Monasteries is that of the alarm system. When they notice a potential intruder coming up the trail, they…

Pet of the Month: My Friends Call Me TaeTae

Hi! My name is Taeyeon Spring Bear, but my friends call me TaeTae. I should have been named Spring Fox since I no longer look like the little bear that I did when I was a pup. I am one of those Pomeranians whose coat changes as they grow up. I turned 1 year old in May. Due…

Pet of the Month: Say Hello to Lexi

Mike Cook Lexi is 5 years old and came to us after her original owner could no longer care for her due to health issues. This change for Lexi also changed our lives after we lost our first Lexi last year. Lexi’s hobbies are truly rainbows and sunshine! Waking up happy is followed by falling…