Pet of the Month: A New Life for Shalom

Melinda Klinka

My name is Shalom. I had a bad life before moving into my mom’s house in PebbleCreek. For two years, I lived in a crate with six other dogs. Then, someone rescued me and I was at Small Dog Rescue in Phoenix for five months. My mom, Pam Wallace, looked at my picture on the website before leaving for a trip to Israel and when she returned, she went to look and I was still there. She said that I “called out to her.” My name was Jason before, but now my name is Shalom. I like the name.

I didn’t like mom at first, but liked my new sister Blue. It took a few weeks, but now I love my mom and my new home. Mom spoils me and doesn’t get mad at me when I still make a few mistakes. I am still learning to live outside of a crate. Blue and I are very close. Blue really puts up with me considering she is 9 years old. I still haven’t learned to be on a leash but I am hoping to learn in nice weather. Then maybe you will see Blue and me walking. Don’t say “Hi” though. I don’t like people to look at me. I only like my mom and Blue. I am so happy to be here.