Tag: PebbleCreek Hiking Club

PC Hiking Club Diary

“A” Hikers Bushwhack Pyrite Ridge Lynn Warren The club hikes at four levels of difficulty; “A” hikes tend to be longer and harder but not always in remote areas, and on Oct. 31, seven PebbleCreek Hikers got an early start at nearby Skyline Park. They completed a 9.1-mile, 1500 ft., scenic but strenuous off-trail climb/scramble…

Hikers Trek to Goldwater Lake, Prescott

Ruth Bindler Members of the PebbleCreek Hiking Club spent three spring days hiking in Prescott, Ariz. At an elevation of about 5000 feet, weather was a bit cooler there, with daytime temperatures reaching the low 70s. The sky was blue, the hikes were challenging and invigorating, and evenings were spent strolling through the shops and…

PebbleCreek Hikers Go for the Gold

Jan Sherwood While the 2022 Olympians were competing in China, the PebbleCreek Hiking Club held their own quest for gold on the White Tank Mountain Verrado Trails. Combining a word search (intellect), navigation skills (reading and following directions), and stamina (traversing rocky trails and sandy washes), while searching for and collecting 10 markers, seven three-member…

Art’s Milestone of 3,000 Miles

Ruth Bindler Art Arner has been hiking with the PebbleCreek Hiking Club since 2010, and he recently celebrated his 3,000th mile with the club on the Beardsley Trail at Lake Pleasant. Art achieved the first 1,000 miles with the club in four and a half years, his second 1,000 miles in the next three years, and his…

Camera Club Photo of the Month

Lynn Warren Each month, the Camera Club selects a picture as Photo of the Month, and, for January, I was fortunate enough to have one of my photos selected. Several members of the PebbleCreek Hiking Club enjoyed a great vacation trip to Jackson Hole in early July and experienced some great scenery and hikes. Of…

Winter Solstice Hike

Ruth Bindler Variety keeps life interesting. With that in mind, the PebbleCreek Hiking Club, which usually starts their hikes in the early morning, scheduled a hike to start at 4:30 p.m. on Dec. 21 as a celebration of the winter solstice. The group of 16 brought headlamps and completed a five-mile hike on a section of the…

“The Mountain Is Out”

Jan Sherwood That’s the phrase Seattleites use to determine what the day’s weather will be. If you can see Mount Rainier, it’ll be a sunny day. Twenty-three members of the PebbleCreek Hiking Club traveled to Washington state to explore trails in western Washington. Ann Rohlman, Jan Sherwood, and Nancy Love planned and led hikes that…

Hiker Reaches 8,000 Miles

Pete Williams The longest standing member of the PebbleCreek Hiking Club, Bill Halte, recently reached his 8,000-mile milestone, the third highest total in club history. Bill was instrumental in the creation of the club in the late nineties and was the club’s leading hiker for many years. Over the years, Bill has played several roles in the…

PC Hikers wander through a Joshua Tree Forest

Enjoying the hike here (left to right): Cheryl, George, Pete, Dave, Clare, Marilyn, Tina, Wayne, Dennis, and Lynn (photographer).

Pete Williams On a bright clear Oct. 9 day, ten hikers from the PebbleCreek Hiking Club wandered through a Joshua Tree Forest just north of Wickenburg. Our destination was a single Saguaro living among the Joshua trees. What’s fascinating is that Joshua trees live is the Mohave Desert while Saguaros live in the Sonoran Desert.…