Art’s Milestone of 3,000 Miles

Marking Art’s milestone (front row): Sandy Mednick, Atsuko Arner, Art Arner, and Nancy Love. Back row: Charlene Elijew, Doug Bieker, Stacey Miller, Dennis Zigmunt, Wayne Wills, Kerry Walsh, Dave Schuldt, Alex Elijew, Ann Rohlman, Ron Hoffman, Barb Kripps, Doug MacNeil, and Tom Wellman. (Photo by Mary Hill)

Ruth Bindler

Art Arner has been hiking with the PebbleCreek Hiking Club since 2010, and he recently celebrated his 3,000th mile with the club on the Beardsley Trail at Lake Pleasant. Art achieved the first 1,000 miles with the club in four and a half years, his second 1,000 miles in the next three years, and his last 1,000 miles in four and a half years. Art achieves even more miles during the summer months near his Washington state home. Art is a valued member of the club. He has led many hikes, has a great sense of direction and memory for our trails, and most importantly, Art serves as a mentor to many of the hiking club participants. We look forward to hiking many more miles with Art and his wife, Atsuko.