PebbleCreek Homeowners Association Board of Directors Meeting Wednesday, April 15, 2015; Tuscany Falls Ballroom; 6:00 p.m. Present: John Kiekbusch/President/PCHOA, Nancy Wilson Smith/Vice President/PCHOA, Gregg Clymer/Secretary/PCHOA, Jack Sarsam/Treasurer/PCHOA and George Atwell/Director/PCHOA. Call to order and introductions by John Kiekbusch/President/PCHOA. Motion by Nancy Wilson Smith to approve the proposed March 18, 2015, Board of Directors meeting minutes, seconded by Gregg…
Generals, May 2015
HOA Website Ways
Communications galore at PC Priscilla Wardlow In the past two years communications methods have grown considerably at PebbleCreek. Now you can find out what’s happening, what’s happened and what might happen whenever you have a question. Recognizing the array of communications vehicles available to PC residents, we have introduced a new tab on the navigation menu…
Generals, May 2015
Election Committee seeks candidates for HOA Board
Vickie Hamilton The HOA Election Committee is accepting applications for candidates for the November 2015 election. Candidates will vie for a two year position on the PebbleCreek Homeowner Association (PCHOA) Board of Directors beginning January 1, 2016. To qualify for this position, a potential candidate must be a full time homeowner in good standing and…
Generals, May 2015
PCHOA Board of Directors meeting minutes (Draft) March 18, 2015
PebbleCreek Homeowners’ Association Board of Directors Meeting, Wednesday, March 18, 2015. Tuscany Falls Ballroom; 11:00 a.m. Present: John Kiekbusch/President/PCHOA, Nancy Wilson Smith/Vice President/PCHOA, Jack Sarsam/Treasurer/PCHOA and George Atwell/Director/PCHOA. Call to order and introductions by John Kiekbusch/President/PCHOA. Employee of the month acknowledgement: Mr. Kiekbusch read the letter from Vicki Hamilton/PCHOA Communications Director, nominating Priscilla Wardlow/PCHO Communications/Website and presented the…
Generals, May 2015
Phase 1 on Renaissance Theater project moved to Summer 2016
Vickie Hamilton The PebbleCreek HOA and PAC (Performing Arts Council) have announced that the backstage expansion to the Renaissance Theater planned for construction summer 2015 has been moved forward to summer 2016. The architect, who initially responded positively to participating in the project, has since declined and a replacement architect could not be secured quickly…
Generals, May 2015
PCHOA budget summary – 02-15
The February budget financials indicate that PebbleCreek continues the strong start since the first of the year. The February YTD revenue is 7.5% favorable to budget with all departments exceeding their projected revenue for the first two months of the year. February had nine new home closings including one Villa for a year to date…
Generals, April 2015
PebbleCreek HOA Budget Summary – January 2015 YTD
A copy of the 2015 PebbleCreek HOA budget has been placed on the HOA website. Finance Operations will continue publishing the monthly PebbleCreek HOA Budget Summary report in the PebbleCreek Post to keep the community informed on the status of the PCHOA budget as the year progresses. Due to the timing of actual financial results and…
Generals, April 2015
Mark You Calendar: Upcoming Events at PebbleCreek – April 2015
Just announced! February 15 and 16, 2016, The Oak Ridge Boys in Concert Tickets go on sale April 7, 2015, at 8:00 a.m. in the Renaissance Theatre at $65 per person with a four ticket limit per person; cash or check only. There will be two shows per day at 3:00 and 7:00 p.m. All…
Generals, April 2015
PC HOA Board of Directors meeting notes February 18, 2015 (Draft)
PebbleCreek Homeowners’ Association Board of Directors Meeting. Wednesday, February 18, 2015, Tuscany Falls Ballroom; 11:00 a.m. Present: John Kiekbusch/President/PCHOA, Nancy Wilson Smith/Vice-President/PCHOA, Jack Sarsam/Treasurer/PCHOA and George Atwell/Director/PCHOA. Call to order and introductions by John Kiekbusch/President/PCHOA. Motion by Gregg Clymer to approved the proposed draft of the January 21, 2015, Board of Directors meeting minutes, seconded by Nancy Wilson…
Generals, April 2015
HOA Website Ways – April 2015
Priscilla Wardlow What’s the fastest way to fill out a Green Card? How about looking up a neighbor’s phone number? Better yet, what if you’d like to buy a ticket to one of our great performances brought to PebbleCreek by the Activities Office? All of these things are at your fingertips on the Quick Links…