Phase 1 on Renaissance Theater project moved to Summer 2016

Vickie Hamilton

The PebbleCreek HOA and PAC (Performing Arts Council) have announced that the backstage expansion to the Renaissance Theater planned for construction summer 2015 has been moved forward to summer 2016. The architect, who initially responded positively to participating in the project, has since declined and a replacement architect could not be secured quickly enough to keep the tight schedule. Rather than rushing and chancing over-runs, delays and the increased possibility of other unanticipated issues, the HOA and RCI leadership determined the best course of action would be to delay Phase I, the backstage extension, and combine it with Phase II, the HOA’s planned summer 2016 theater interior renovations project. This consolidation allows time for thorough facility design, planning and structuring of the financial impacts of the projects and only requires the theater to be closed for work for one summer instead of two.

Phase I, the backstage expansion, is being funded by monies from RCI, HOA and PAC. Moving the project to summer 2016 also gives PAC additional time for fundraising efforts to support their share of the project funding. PAC’s kickoff fundraising event will be a Build the Backstage Benefit on Friday evening, May 8 in the Tuscany Falls Ballroom. Watch the HOA website, PebbleNews and the Post for information on future fundraising activities.