HOA Website Ways

 Communications galore at PC

Priscilla Wardlow

In the past two years communications methods have grown considerably at PebbleCreek. Now you can find out what’s happening, what’s happened and what might happen whenever you have a question.

Recognizing the array of communications vehicles available to PC residents, we have introduced a new tab on the navigation menu of the HOA website (www.pebblecreekhoa.org) titled COMMUNICATIONS. Clicking on that tab will take you to a page about website Announcements, the weekly PebbleNews enewsletter, the Golf Blast subscription enewsletter, Live PebbleCreek videos, Channel 22 television, the PebbleCreek Post, the Source Book, the Yahoo eGroup and more. Links on the drop down menu under COMMUNICATIONS will take you directly to the online resources available for these items.

The Communications page also features links to archives, where to change your PebbleCreek Post address, how to submit your information to the Source Book and how to subscribe to the Golf Blast.

Many of the communications sources are available to the public, but signing on to the HOA website will give homeowners access to even more information. If you’re not yet registered to use the HOA website, just go to www.pebblecreekhoa.org, hover on Login on the navigation bar, then select Login Request and fill out the form. You should hear from us within 24 hours and you’ll have full access to the HOA website and all of the information it contains.