Tag: Billiard Club

PebbleCreek Billiard Club Monthly Tournament Winners

Johnny Henson Here are the Billiard Club tournament winners during June. The Player of the Month was Lynn Warren with six wins. King of the Hill was Johnny Henson. Monday noon to 2 p.m. 8–Ball tournament: No winners Tuesday 8 a.m. to noon 8–Ball tournament winners were Lynn Warren (x3), Bob Macy, Rene Lefevbre, and…

PebbleCreek Billiard Club Monthly Tournament Winners

Johnny Henson Congratulations to our winners during April. The Player of the Month was Mark Mecklenberg with five wins. King of the Hill was Johnny Henson. Monday noon to 2 p.m. 8–Ball tournament: No winners Tuesday 8 a.m. to noon 8–Ball tournament winners were Lynn Warren (x2), Bob Macy, Mark Mecklenberg, Joe Armbruster, and Bill…

PebbleCreek Billiard Club Monthly Tournament Winners

Johnny Henson Congratulations to our winners during March. King of the Hill was Johnny Henson, and Player of the Month was Bill Frustaglia with three wins. Monday noon to 2 p.m. 8–Ball tournament: No winners Tuesday 8 a.m. to noon 8–Ball tournament winners were Dan Harris, Mark Mecklenberg, Lynn Warren, Bob Macy, and Johnny Henson.…

Jim Padgitt Wins PebbleCreek Billiard Club 8-Ball Tournament

Johnny Henson PebbleCreek Billiard Club members have completed the early spring season (Series XI) of their extended 8-Ball Pocket Billiards Tournament. The round-robin tourney consists of eight mini­ tournament events played over eight consecutive weeks. Winner of Series XI was Jim Padgitt, who earned 63 points in 54 games by capturing three first-place finishes in…

Play Your Best Pool: Investing in Your Billiard Game

Johnny Henson, Professor Pool If you consider your billiard game as an investment, it is essential to ensure that you are getting a good return on your investment. As you invest a considerable amount of time, effort, and money into playing billiards, it is always advisable to invest in professional billiard instruction to improve your…

Billiard Club Winners

Johnny Henson Player of the Month is Bob Macy with three wins. King of the Hill is Rene Lefebvre. Tuesday 8 a.m. 8-Ball tournament winners were Lynn Warren (x2), Mark Mecklenburg, and Bob Macy. Friday 8 a.m. 9-Ball tournament winners were Bob Macy (x2) and Johnny Henson.

Billiard Club January 2024 Tournament Winners

Johnny Henson The Player of the Month is Rene Lefebvre with four wins. Rene Lefebvre is also King of the Hill. Monday noon to 2 p.m. 8-Ball tournament winners were Johnny Henson and Blair Dreyfus. Tuesday 8 a.m. 8-Ball tournament winners were Lynn Warren (x2), Mark Mecklenburg, Rene Lefebvre, and Johnny Henson Wednesday 2 to 4 p.m. 9-Ball tournament winners were Rene Lefebvre (x2), Blair…