Bridge Results

Monday Non-Sanctioned Duplicate Bridge for August Sandy Blackburn We’re back in the Palm Room at Eagle’s Nest and playing bridge—come join us soon! Recently, we have had some new players join us. We welcome Patricia Darby, Kathy Foord, Teresa Funkhouser, Betty and Tom Peterson, Ron Nelson, Ann Tansey, Mary Ellen and Ken Vidar, Jack Wertheim,…

Inspiring Enthusiasm: Welcome to Beginning Pottery

Jeff Wilson The beginning pottery class is the essential class for learning the tools and techniques for making any handmade clay project. The beginning class always makes three to five beautiful projects, including an embossed bowl, a luminaria or brush/utensil pot, a traditional Japanese-style bottle with a sculptural spout, and unique and creative scrap bowls.…

PC Hiking Club Diary

Hikers Celebrate an Important Milestone Kris Raczkiewicz Healthy competition and friendly rivalry are part of most sporting activities, and hiking is no exception. In 2016, new retirees Wayne Wills and Dennis Zigmunt joined the hiking club. The pair spent their first year in the club vying for the title Rookie of the Year, a crown…

Living with Coyotes

Susan Knox Wilson Coyotes are a fact of life here in PebbleCreek. Our homeowner’s association (HOA) acknowledges the reality that we have wild neighbors and believes we all need to learn how to coexist and reduce negative encounters with the creatures in our midst. To help residents better understand how to live with coyotes and…

LifeLong Learning at PebbleCreek

October Lectures Cover Minority Innovators, Electric Vehicles Patricia Ingalls LifeLong Learning kicks off its 2021-22 season of Monday Morning Lectures this month with two Ph.D. speakers who have done extensive research in their respective fields of expertise. One speaker will highlight notable, less-known minority innovators, and the other speaker will examine electric vehicles as a…

U.S. Military History: Some U.S. Marine Corps History

Ross Dunfee What is a Marine? A sailor, a soldier, infantry, amphibious assault members? They are all–soldiers serving on ships ready for land action. Their history, etched in antiquity, has records in ancient Greece and Rome. In the 17th century, the English, in its wars with the Dutch, referred to Marine units as naval infantry. In 1739, during…