Rayma Scalzo We are so pleased to have Dr. Julia Lesselyong, Licensed Clinical Psychologist and Clinical Director of Behavioral Health, speak to our Alzheimer/Dementia Caregiver Discussion Group on Saturday, December 19 from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. The topic of her presentation will be Managing behavior of those having Alzheimer’s/Dementia disease. Dr. Lesselyong’s clinical training and…
Category: Clubs & Classes
Clubs & Classes, December 2015
Exercise while you hook

Dee-Dee Patrick “There are many small rug patterns. I prefer to work on large projects.” This was stated by Monika Jones when describing her most recently finished rug which was in the process of being completed over the course of one year. Since the 8 x 10 foot rug was not easily transported, it was…
Clubs & Classes, December 2015
Democratic Club news

The PebbleCreek Democratic Club, at its November 4 meeting, featured a presentation by Professor Paul Bender, Dean Emeritus of the Sandra Day O’Connor School of Law 2015. He led an engaging discussion on the recent U.S. Supreme Court’s decision on same sex marriage and other recent decisions of the Supreme Court. Professor Bender teaches courses…
Clubs & Classes, December 2015
Save the date
Penny Schneider Arizona Chapter Q of the National T.T.T. Society has mentioned that our fourth annual Fashion Show and Luncheon was in the planning stages. As the committees have geared up to formulate the plan and program, our members have actively begun to seek donations for our raffle baskets and meeting dates with Dillard’s have…
Clubs & Classes, December 2015
T.T.T. expresses thanks

Laurie Overson T.T.T. Chapter AZ-P wishes to express our sincere appreciation to all of you readers who so generously supported our winter fundraiser of selling poinsettias. We know that you will enjoy your plants throughout the holiday season. Once again we thank you for helping us to send deserving underprivileged fourth grade girls to accredited…
Clubs & Classes, December 2015
PebbleCreek Car Club news

Linda Babcock Members of the PebbleCreek Car Club travelled to Parker, Arizona, to participate in the eighth annual Car Show and Chili Cook-Off sponsored by the Parker Rotary Club and the Parker area Chamber of Commerce. The annual event was held at the La Paz County Park on the banks of the beautiful Colorado River…
Clubs & Classes, December 2015
January pottery class schedule
Because of the popularity of Jeff Wilson’s hand building classes, he will be holding two classes in the month of January. First class is on Mondays and Tuesdays, January 4, 5, 11, 12, 18, 19 and 25. Jeff’s second class is on Thursday and Friday, January 7, 8, 14, 15, 21, 22 and 28. All…
Clubs & Classes, December 2015
Model Railroad shines at the holidays

Bruce Petrarca A train is a traditional part of holiday decorations. This time of year many folks break out their trains and want them to run. When they don’t run, the owners think of asking PCMRC for help. Many decorative trains are three-rail O-27 (Lionel) or S-scale (American Flyer). Some are even larger and may…
Clubs & Classes, December 2015
Valley of the Sun Ski Club meeting set
Lynn Warren Thursday, December 3 is the monthly meeting of Valley of the Sun Ski Club, open to all PebbleCreek skiers. Meeting is at Sun City West Foundation, southwest corner of Stardust and RH Johnson Boulevard, Sun City West; social hour is 5:00 to 6:00 p.m., followed by a catered dinner. Visit the club website…
Clubs & Classes, December 2015
Outside resident instructor: Drawing 101 with Malcolm Blazer
Sherri Heitz Malcolm has been a drawing instructor for over 30 years, as well as conducting classes in oil, acrylic, and watercolor. He has taught in art stores and art clubs since arriving in the valley in 1989, and also judged for clubs and art shows. For several years he has instructed in art classes…