T.T.T. expresses thanks

Debbie Svoboda, Betty Thompson and Sharon Duncan show the fundraising poinsettias.

Debbie Svoboda, Betty Thompson and Sharon Duncan show the fundraising poinsettias.

Laurie Overson

T.T.T. Chapter AZ-P wishes to express our sincere appreciation to all of you readers who so generously supported our winter fundraiser of selling poinsettias. We know that you will enjoy your plants throughout the holiday season.

Once again we thank you for helping us to send deserving underprivileged fourth grade girls to accredited summer camps. Watch for our other fundraiser, the sale of Butter Braid pastries, in the spring. The price of the braids is still $12. Those of you who are familiar with them know that they are well worth the price. In fact, we like to say that they are shockingly good! Sales times will be in future issues of the Post.