Sharing Aloha

Manny Fernandez helped lift spirits of PebbleCreek residents who heeded his group e-invitation and enjoyed his driveway serenade on Sunday, March 30. The requisite six feet of separation was not difficult to maintain. Many remained on the street in their golf carts, on bikes, or in their cars, while others sat on the driveway. Growing…

InSync Tennis Team Enjoys More Than Tennis

Front row (left to right): Roxie Forrest, Shelley Bain, Joan Patchin, Diane Bostock, Lauren Leonard; Second row: Randy Rosenbusch, Pat Owens, Pam DeRouin, Jill Santy, Cooky O'Brien, Joan Stedman; Not pictured: Kay Skripka

Diane Bostock InSync Tennis Team plays at the 3.5 level in the West Valley Women’s Tennis League. The team has enjoyed six years of weekly practices and Friday league matches. More than that, though, we have enjoyed our friendships with each other. We have supported each other through the loss of a spouse and a husband…

Getting Together on the Web

With PebbleCreek restaurants and clubhouses shut down and social distancing de rigueur, residents are increasingly turning to the web and applications on their smartphone or tablet to get together and get work done. Some residents are using web conferencing or web collaboration which is quite similar to video conferencing, but doesn’t always involve video. Webcasts,…

T.T.T. Chapter P Update

Claudia Clarkson This has been a wonderful year for our chapter. Our members worked very hard on our fundraisers to send fourth grade girls to camp. It paid off! We were extremely blessed to be able to help ten girls attend Camp Willow Springs in Prescott. We were excited, our campers were thrilled, and we were all…

PebbleCreek Democratic Club Still Giving Back

(Left to right): John Moore, PC Dem Club president; Jess Legaspi and Fidel Rodriquez, AFFCB staffers; and Judy Hart, co-chair, Community Benefits Committee with the PC Post at the Food Bank after dropping off a load of food.

Alisa Moore Despite not having club, board, social, or committee meetings of the PC Dem Club in several weeks, the members are continuing to support the local community in this time of need. The club adopted Agua Fria Food and Clothing Bank (AFFCB) as its community project for 2020 and we have made numerous trips…

Unit Happenings

Unit 27D Get Together Robin Macik It has been a while, but 20 ladies from Unit 27D got together at Eagle’s Nest on March 11. There were a few friends who have lived in the unit for a while and some new faces as well. The unit is hoping to have a get together each…