Traci Baker Please submit photos of yourself or those honored in the Plaza for the Veterans Day project. As a salute to PebbleCreek veterans, a digital presentation is being prepared for Veterans Day. Images of veterans in their uniforms during their respective times of service, their names and periods of service will be shown on PebbleTV for…
Tag: veterans
Front Page, May 2017
Honoring Those Who Serve On Armed Forces Day
Clubs & Classes, December 2016
Republican Club Veterans Day Honor Program

Liz Gibson The sold out seventh annual Republican Club’s Patriotic Event and Dinner in Honor of PebbleCreek Republican Veterans was a very moving evening filled with inspirational speakers and our never to be forgotten veterans. Held Thursday, November 3 in the Tuscany Falls Ballroom, the extensive program began with a welcome from President Linda Migliore,…
Front Page, November 2016
A Salute to Veterans November 11
Join us Friday, November 11, Veterans Day, at 2:00 p.m. in the Renaissance Theater as we say thank you and remember the brave men and women who are serving or have served our country. The program will feature Gary Griggs as Master of Ceremonies, a presentation of The Colors, the Pledge of Allegiance led by…
Generals, August 2016
Submit your service photo for Veterans Day project
Communications Team As a salute to PebbleCreek veterans, a digital presentation is being added to Veterans Day activities on November 11, 2016. Images of veterans in their uniforms during their respective times of service, their names and periods of service will be shown. To accomplish this, PebbleCreek veterans are each asked to submit a photo…
Generals, July 2016
Costumes and cannon fire color Armed Forces Day

Pat Ingalls A costumed color guard, a tee shirt toss and a cannon boom punctuated PebbleCreek’s commemoration of Armed Forces Day. About 100 people gathered at Armed Forces Plaza at Eagle’s Nest May 20 at 8:30 a.m. to demonstrate their appreciation for all who serve their country in the military. Activities Office staff planned the…
July 2016
Submit photos for Veterans Day project
Communications Team Please submit photos of yourself or those honored in the Plaza for the Veterans Day project. As a salute to PebbleCreek veterans, a digital presentation is being added to Veterans Day activities on November 11, 2016. Images of veterans in their uniforms during their respective times of service, their names and periods of…
Generals, May 2016
Salute to PC veterans
As a salute to PebbleCreek veterans, a digital presentation is being added to Veterans Day activities on November 11, 2016. Images of veterans in their uniforms during their respective time of service, their names and period of service will be shown. To accomplish this, PebbleCreek veterans are asked to submit a photo or send a…
Features, December 2015
PebbleCreek’s Paul McGinnis to receive 2016 Colonel John Morley Distinguished Service Award

The Golf Course Superintendents Association of America (GCSAA) will bestow one of the highest honors possible to Paul McGinnis, CGCS (Certified Golf Course Superintendent) at a ceremony in early 2016. Paul has been selected to receive the association’s 2016 Colonel John Morley Distinguished Service Award for his outstanding, substantive and enduring contributions to the advancement…
Generals, December 2015
Touching ceremony for installation of pavers at Armed Forces Plaza

The PebbleCreek Armed Forces Plaza was full of gratitude on the morning of November 11, 2015 as families of veterans gathered to view the installation of pavers they purchased honoring their loved ones. Pavers are installed quarterly and this quarter’s installation coincided with Veterans Day. Visit the Activities Office for more information about pavers and…