PCM9GA announces April 24th Lone Ranger results

All Winners – April 24 Lone Ranger Tournament

Erv Stein The vast majority of our PCM9GA snowbird members were still around and not departed yet to their remote summer destinations and therefore, on April 24 on an excellent sunlit and temperate afternoon, well over 100 PCM9GA golfers participated in a quite interesting tournament utilizing the Lone Ranger format at our Eagle’s Nest front…

PCM9GA holds Designated Driver Scramble Tournament

Winning First Place Foursome, left to right: Willard Pearson, Dave Gasch, Chuck Hendrickson and Jim Halbmaier

Erv Stein Our mid-summer and somewhat seasonally smaller group of 44 non snowbird enthusiastic and loyal PCM9GA golfers teed off at our Tuscany Lakes Course at 7:30 a.m. on Thursday morning, July 24. Most fortunately, our summer tee times from May to October start at 7:30 a.m. which means that our weekly nine hole events…