Sports, March 2015
PCLGA Developer’s Cup Tournament highlights
Suzan Simons The PCLGA held its annual Developer’s Cup Tournament January 13 and 20. This tournament is to honor our developer, Mr. Robson. Unfortunately, the first day was called due to inclement weather. The tournament was then declared a one day event and winners were determined by the scoring on January 20. A delicious…
Sports, March 2015
PCLGA celebrates its annual Cupid’s Divot Tournament
Judy Newell The PCLGA held its annual Cupid’s Divot Tournament on February 7 and 8 chaired by Karen Reuland. The theme this year was the fun of Celebrating the Dancing Queen. The format was a form your own four person team resulting in 140 couples. This year’s format was a little different with only 27…
Sports, January 2015
PCLGA Red and Green Tourney
Front Page, January 2015
PCLGA kicks off the season with a College Game Day Tournament
Sports, January 2015
PCLGA presents Cupid’s Divot
Sports, December 2014
Preparations underway for 2015 PCLGA member/guest tournament
Bonnie Relic Plans for the twentieth annual PCLGA Member Guest Tournament are underway and will be held on April 12 through 14, 2015. The theme is Margaritaville; it’s five o’clock somewhere. The committee has been hard at work to make this a special event for the PCLGA members and their guests. The festivities begin on…
Sports, October 2014
PCLGA Kick Off Tourney
Suzan Simons Grab your pom poms and join in the fun on November 18 when the PCLGA will be having their Kick Off Tournament. The theme is College Game Day so wear your favorite college team jersey, top or sweatshirt. Decorating your cart with college memorabilia will make our tailgating even more fun. Plan on…
Sports, September 2014
Summer Sizzler highlights
Suzan Simons On July 22 there were 48 brave ladies that participated in the PCLGA annual Summer Sizzler Tournament. Each lady was given a FroggToggs Chilly Pad Towel when she checked in that morning. The game was Mad Dog Scramble with each team made up of ABCD level players. Even though the heat was on,…