PCL9GA Winners

Pat Jensen We had great weather for our two-day PebbleCreek Ladies Nine-Hole Golf Association (PCL9GA) Member-Guest Tournament. Two hundred and eighty-five ladies risked getting a sunburn in the sunny afternoon, hoping to win a little money for their efforts. There were four first–place winning teams, but there were many other winners.

PCL9GA Charity Golf Tournament

Pat Jensen The PebbleCreek Lady Niners had a very successful charity event on Jan. 7. The amount of $5,700 was raised and donated to Girls Golf of Phoenix. This organization was founded in 1989 by members of the LPGA and is part of the Junior Golf Association of Arizona. As of 2023, this organization has…

Mixed Niners Tournament and More

Joan Smith, PCL9GA Publicity Chair On April 11, the PebbleCreek Ladies Nine-Hole Golf Association (PCL9GA) and the PebbleCreek Men’s Nine-Hole Golf Association (PCM9GA) played in a four-player team scramble. A “secret select” committee adjacent to Mattel Inc. voted on the best-dressed Barbie and Ken couples. The winning couples were Cliff and Nancy Crooks and Rick…

PCL9GA: Charity Tournament, Medallion Qualifiers, Wine Social, and Winter Par Tee…Oh My!

Joan Smith, PCL9GA Publicity Co-Chair Annual Charity Tournament At the annual PebbleCreek Ladies Nine-Hole Golf Association (PCL9GA) charity tournament, the Lady Niners’ showcased their spirit of giving back to Purse Impressions, a local charity dedicated to supporting individuals after rehab. This organization founded by Patricia Brusha offers donated purses and personal hygiene products to women…

Lady Niners Honor Our Golf Professionals

Prior to league play on May 16, outgoing PebbleCreek Ladies Nine-Hole Golf Association (PCL9GA) President Patti Engelhardt thanked PebbleCreek Golf Pros John McCahan and Ronny Decker, as well as volunteer Dave Korba. The PCL9GA greatly appreciates the support and contributions these gentlemen lend to the Lady Niners.

Winners, Winners, Winners

On March 28, the PebbleCreek Lady Niners celebrated 2023 winners for the following: * Senior Legacy—Low Gross, Tina Stepzinski, and Low Net, Patty Greene * Club Championship—Low Gross, Rhonda King, and Low Net, Mary Lynne Carson and Susie Malone * 2023 Arizona Golf Association 9-hole Medallion Champions—Our own PCL9GA Char Morrow and Cherri Baxter

Red Hot Golf: PCL9GA Member Guest Tournament

The PebbleCreek Lady Niners (PCL9GA) held their second annual Member Guest tournament on Feb. 6 and 7. This year, the Valentine’s Day themed event was expanded to two days. On Feb. 6 there was a “Red Hot Puttin’” contest with over 100 ladies participating on the greens of Tuscany. The winners were Carolyn Moss, Marilyn…

Hometown Pride Golf Scramble Winners

Diane Burns The PebbleCreek Ladies Nine-Hole Golf Association (PCL9GA) sponsored the 2nd annual Hometown Pride golf scramble at Eagle’s Nest on Nov. 29. The Lady Niners invited the PCLGA to play a 9-hole scramble. Participants were encouraged to wear apparel supporting their hometown or home state. Thank you to Donna M. Strand, RealtyOneGroup, who donated…

Jingle & Mingle

The Lady Niners started the holiday season with a golf luncheon, Jingle & Mingle, on Dec. 6. Lunch was served in the ballroom with music by Jeff Harrison and Howard Broadbeck. Each year, the PebbleCreek Ladies Nine-Hole Golf Association (PCL9GA) supports a charity for this event. This year it was Natalie’s House. This is a…