Tag: golf

PCM9GA and PCMGA follow on July 23 mixer

First Place Winners – July 23 Mixer Tournament, left to right: Gerald Kurtz, Jim Tackett, Grant Moorhead, John F. Adams, William Gainer, David Wattenberg; not in photo, Manuel Maciel, Steffen Jacobson

Erv Stein Fresh on the heels of our first ever joint PCMGA and PCM9GA Mixer Tournament conducted on June 11, a total of 92 most exuberant PCMGA and PCM9GA golfers teed off on July 23 for our second Joint Mixer event of the summer. Historically speaking, both the PCMGA and PCM9GA PebbleCreek men’s golfing organizations…

PCMGA holds 2015 Summer Sizzler Tournament

Net Winners, left to right: Dennis Thelen, Steve Straley and Edward Boehm; not pictured: Bob LeClair

Howie Tiger The PebbleCreek Men’s Golf Association held its annual Summer Sizzler tournament on Wednesday and Thursday, July 15 and 16. The first round was conducted on our Eagle’s Nest course and the final round on our Lakes/Falls course at Tuscany. The format was individual stroke play with gross and net winners awarded. The players…

PC Putters Club member highlight

Cliff Olson prepares to sink a putt.

Randy Prinz Cliff Olson, one of our members, deserves special recognition. He not only is an avid member of the PC Putters Club, he also sets up our challenging courses every week. Cliff is a hard worker in PebbleCreek and the Putters Club. He is the person that adds challenge to our putting course every…

PC Putters is looking for you!

Randy Prinz In March of 2015 PebbleCreek’s Director of Golf Jason Whitehill put together a plan to have a Putting Club for our residents. A meeting was held and later a board was formed. The current board members: President Carrie Hull, Vice President and Webmaster Loretta Morris, Treasurer Bettyann Baumgartner and Secretary and Assistant Geanie…

PCMGA introduces officers for 2015-2016 golfing season

PCMGA Officers left to right: Jerry Monk, Bud Held and Paul Metivier; not pictured, Jerry Treece

Howie Tiger At the Member-Member Tournament earlier this year, the PebbleCreek Men’s Golf Association elected officers for the 2015-2016 golfing season. They officially took office on June 1. Since then they have been hard at work planning and organizing events for the upcoming season. Introducing our leaders: President Jerry Treece Jerry is from Michigan (born…

PCM9GA Cha-Cha-Cha results

All Winners – PCM9GA June 25 Cha-Cha-Cha Tournament: row 1, Richard Schmidt, Josh Rabinowitz and Frank Rodgers; row 2, Greg Ray, Lou Cerri, Larry Waggoner, John Ward, Ken Laychak, Clay Troxell, Robert Risden, Dave Baseheart and Ray Clements. Not pictured Manuel Maciel.

Erv Stein Now that we are in the middle of the Arizona torrid heat and quite humid Monsoon climate, and with many of our snowbird members long gone to wherever they can cool off, a somewhat smaller but still sizable group of about 50 enthusiastic PCM golfers tied off on our Tuscany Lakes Course on…

PCM9GA and PCMGA announce June 11 Mixer Tournament results

Flight 1 Mixer Tournament, First Place Winners, left to right: Grant Moorhead, Bruce Hulbert, Paul Metivier and George Clark

Erv Stein PebbleCreek’s two sanctioned golf organizations, the PCMGA 18 hole group and the PCM9GA 9 hole group conducted their first ever joint mixer tournament teeing off early Thursday morning at 7:30 a.m. on June 11 utilizing both the front nine and back nine Eagle’s Nest Courses. Thanks to the excellent efforts of the PCMGA…