Tag: golf

Golf Activity for the Singles Club

Kathy Smith Golfing is a very popular activity in which Singles Club members participate. Usually we have four or five groups playing every other Saturday. Pictured are some of the women in the foursomes. It is a very popular activity with the guys as well, but their foursomes were already at the T boxes when the photo was taken. If…

PCLGA Kicks Off Season with Viva Las Vegas!

Carole Schumacher Viva Las Vegas was the theme for the PebbleCreek Ladies Golf Association (PCLGA) Kickoff tournament in November when the PCLGA ladies were paired in four-person teams to Cha Cha Cha their way to the finish line at Tuscany East and Eagle’s Nest Golf Courses. The annual Kick-Off Tournament is the traditional start to…

Lady Niners Hold Kick-Off “Putt Now … Wine Later,” “Hometown Pride,” and Memorial League Events

Joan Smith, PCL9GA Publicity On Nov. 14 the PebbleCreek Lady Nine-Hole Golf Association (PCL9GA) kicked off their season with the theme “Putt Now … Wine Later” Chardonnay Shamble format on Tuscany Falls East Course. Event Co-Chairs were Norma Guillaume and Tina Stepzinski. On Nov. 28 Patti Engelhardt, PCL9GA Past President, and Ellen Enright, PCLGA Past President, organized a 9-hole scramble on…

Pink Out!

Carole Schumacher The PebbleCreek Ladies Golf Association (PCLGA) Cancer Awareness Tournament Chairwomen, Ellen Enright and Margaret Dlouhy, announced the theme for the 2024 annual fundraiser is “Pink Out.” The flighted afternoon scramble is scheduled for Jan. 23 on the Tuscany Falls courses and will be for bragging rights only. All money raised this year will be…

PCMGA Recognizes Its Most Active Players for the 2023 Season

Howie Tiger The PebbleCreek Men’s Golf Association (PCMGA) conducts friendly golf competitions every Thursday for its members, except in October, during overseed. The formats vary each week and include scrambles, best balls, goofy golf, and several major events played on all three of our PebbleCreek courses. Participation in these competitions by PCMGA members is the…

Hole In One!

Deni Byrne Made ONE! Carole Schumacher Denise Byrne got her first ever hole-in-one on Aug. 15, 2023, at Tuscany Falls East on hole number 17. She was playing a casual round of golf with Joan Knight and Sandy Clinton. “I used a 9 iron, and the flag was at 90 yards,” said Deni. Deni is a member…