Tag: Aqua Zumba

We Did It! Water Fitness Participants Lose 250 Pounds!

The water fitness classes participants met their challenge of losing 250 pounds by April 1. They combined healthy eating along with water exercise to reach their goal. The challenge started on Jan. 1 and went through March 31. Weight loss was recorded on an honorary system. Instructors  Helen Limjoco, Janet Stumps, Isela Sanders, and Sue White…

Aqua Zumba Supports Maui with Aloha Friday

Helen Limjoco The Friday morning Aqua Zumba class showed their support for the island of Maui by celebrating Aloha Friday. The class leader, Helen, led the group dressed in her Hawaiian garb. When the class was over, she handed out leis, grass skirts, and Hawaiian themed cookies to all who attended. If you would like to…

Aqua Zumba Classes Support Pink Week

Helen Limjoco PebbleCreek Fitness classes commemorated Breast Cancer Awareness by making the week of Oct. 17 “Pink Week.” Participants for all classes were encouraged to wear anything pink to classes throughout the week. Aqua Zumba participants showed their support in their classes by wearing pink and sporting pink headbands. Everyone enjoyed themselves as they “danced”…