Tag: 2 Your Health

2 Your Health: Walking Can Decrease Low Back Pain

AzOPT It is estimated that almost half of the U.S. population will experience low back pain at some point in their lifetime. Low back pain can decrease our ability to participate in recreational sports and everyday activities, such as dressing and getting out of bed. Back pain can be acute (short duration, less than 4…

2 Your Health: Choose Physical Therapy First

Arizona Orthopedic Physical Therapy Physical therapy (PT) is the best first-line option for most injuries, symptoms, and conditions you face. From head to toe, a licensed physical therapist is able to treat pain or limitations and help you return to the activities you need and love—pain free! We also know the best course of action…

2 Your Health: Lumbar Spinal Stenosis

Marc M. Soloman, MD The lower (lumbar) spine is made up of five vertebrae (bones) bodies in the lower back and is the physical center of the body. These bones are the largest and strongest since they support and carry the weight of the muscles and bones above it. A normal, healthy spine has lumbar…

2 Your Health: Common types of dizziness and vertigo

Tyler Guymon, AZOPT Buckeye clinic manager and doctor of physical therapy If you have ever woken up one day experiencing symptoms of dizziness and vertigo without knowing why, you are not alone. While many cases of dizziness and vertigo can be traced to a specific incident, many times, patients can’t recall the moment these symptoms…

2 Your Health: Breathe better for better health

Jim Mulroy, PT, MPT, AZOPT Glendale Physical Therapist The average person breathes 21,000 times a day, 12-20 times per minute and ventilates six-ten liters of air per minute. The primary breathing muscle in our body is the diaphragm. Good diaphragmatic breathing uses less secondary breathing muscles which lessen the chance of developing neck, head and…