Tag: 2 Your Health

2 Your Health: Physical Therapy vs. Oploids for pain management

AZOPT Physical Therapists According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), sales of prescription opioids have quadrupled in the United States, even though “there has not been an overall change in the amount of pain that Americans report.” In response to a growing opioid epidemic, the CDC released opioid prescription guidelines in March…

2 Your Health: May Is National Arthritis Awareness month

Brooke Smith, DPT, AZOPT Goodyear Clinic Manager and Physical Therapist Do you or someone you know have pain in their joints? You may have symptoms of arthritis. Today, nearly 50 million Americans suffer from arthritis. Arthritis is often misunderstood as minor aches and pain associated with getting old. However, there are many different forms of…

2 Your Health: Physical therapists, chiropractors, massage therapists – what’s the difference?

Anna McNamara, DPT, AZOPT Buckeye Physical Therapist There are many misconceptions regarding the similarities and differences between physical therapy, chiropractors and massage therapy. Patients often believe they are the same thing. In fact, the three professions have very different theories regarding the preferred method of treatment, the benefits of each treatment, and the level of…

2 Your Health: Ask your therapist – heat or ice?

Editor’s Note: “2 Your Health” is a new column in the PebbleCreek Post dedicated to health issues. Each month different doctors and or medical associations, from varying specialties, will be writing on issues of importance. Articles are based on experiences and independent research conducted by the doctors or medical associations. We encourage anyone considering changing…

2 Your Health: Type 2 Diabetes? You have control

Celeste Delap, DPT, GCS, LSVT BIG AZOPT Goodyear Physical Therapist As physical therapists, we treat patients for a variety of diagnoses, including Type 2 Diabetes. For the most part, everyone knows diet and exercise are important aspects to maintain a healthy lifestyle. However, many do not understand how to actually and correctly go about it.…

2 Your Health: Why should you choose PT?

Brad Scott Do you have nagging pain or lingering discomfort and not sure what to do or how to get better? Have you or your loved one began to decline in your functional ability? AZOPT is ready to help! More and more people #ChoosePT (physical therapy) first and AZOPT is their top choice! Opioid addiction…

2 Your Health: AZOPT success story – meet Barbara

David Price AZOPT is dedicated to providing quality, personalized care by enthusiastic and passionate physical therapists. But don’t just take our word for it. Our patients tell their story best. Like Barbara, who for more than 20 years had unbearable back pain. Read more about her successful experience-. My name is Barbara and for more…

2 Your Health: When a home exercise program is not enough

Ryann Roberts, DPT

Ryann Roberts, DPT Ever had an injury or nagging pain that just won’t go away? During the course of exercise, sports and sometimes normal daily activities, these injuries occur frequently. Some people will turn to word of mouth, YouTube, or a medical professional for assistance. They will receive an abundance of information, exercise and movements…

2 Your Health: Sitting ourselves to death

Trent Brooke PT, DPT Throughout history, people found themselves standing, walking and generally being on their feet more often than not; however, in 2017 sitting has become the position people find themselves in more often and for longer throughout the day. We sit when we drive, at our desks for work and school or just…