Ask the Therapist: Heat or Ice?

JD Fields, DPT AzOPT Physical Therapist Heat or ice? It’s one of the most common questions we receive. While it is difficult to generalize all pain and injuries, there are a few simple rules that you can follow to help in your recovery. Ice is most appropriate for initial (or acute) stages of an injury.…

2020-21 PebbleCreek Roadrunner League Champions!

2020-21 Roadrunner League Champions (left to right) back row: Cindy Sota, Amber Rivera, Layne Sheridan, Susan Slaughter, Marilyn Reynolds, Mary Harris, Kathy Hubert-Wyss, Sheri Sears, and Ellen Enright; front row: co-captains Andrea Dilger and Sharon Hadley; not present: Monica Lee and Suzanne Kanaly

Sharon Hadley PebbleCreek won Low Gross in the 2020-21 Roadrunner Women’s Golf League for the first time since participating in the league since 2006! The Roadrunner League is composed of eight golf clubs, six this past year due to COVID. Each club sends four two-women teams to play Best Ball. The league counts the Best Ball…

Artist of the Month: Art Club: Diane Greeneich

Diane Greeneich

Loretta Pruett, AOTM co-chair The PebbleCreek Art Club is pleased to recognize Diane Greeneich as our Artist of the Month for May 2021. Known for her innovative work in pastel and watercolor, the inspiration for Diane’s many paintings comes from her world travels and her professional life. A native Californian, she grew up near the beach…

Camera Club Meeting May 17

A beautiful example of Sedona scenery by Kelli Klymenko, featured presenter for the May Camera Club meeting.

Lynn Warren Camera Club meetings continue to be conducted via Zoom in accordance with HOA and CDC guidelines. The April meeting featured an interesting presentation on infrared photography by Roger Bunting, club secretary. The May meeting will be on May 17 at 6:30 p.m. and feature a presentation on cell phone photography by Kelli Klymenko, an…

One Season Ends and Another Begins

Front row (left to right): Gary Jensen (manager), Rick Bell, Peter Bowes, Don Belonax, Mike Comstock, Wade Biddix; Back row: Randy Prinz, Ken Kurtz, Rich Wilmes, Ron Coleman, Randy Ullrich, Rick Haendel, and Steve Ward

Fred Dresser The PebbleCreek Senior Softball Association (PCSSA) wrapped up their 26th season of play on April 3, and what a season it was with the coronavirus on everyone’s mind, rain outs, and the damage to the field caused by a microburst in January. This season could have been a lost season if it wasn’t for…