Update on Driveway Parking Rules

Driveway parking was one of the Rules revisions submitted to the Board for approval at the Feb. 16, 2022, Board meeting. During the residents’ comment portion of the meeting, it became clear to the Board that additional information to clarify this revision would be beneficial to Community understanding. The Board tabled the requested revision and…

Larry McVey Named 2021 Volunteer of the Year

Susan Knox Wilson “Larry is a great steward of the community’s money,” said HOA Board member Bob Paine, as he announced that Larry McVey, Chairman of the PebbleCreek Investment Advisory Group, had been named the 2021 Volunteer of the Year. “We are lucky to have a resident who is so dedicated.” The Volunteer of the…

Relishing Pickleball

David Zapatka The Volley Continuing our study of Pickleball Fundamentals Master the basics and compete with confidence by Mary Littlewood, “A volley is a shot hit in the air before the ball bounces. It is used as a return of a ball that travels close to the top of the net and that is usually hit…

PCL9GA Birthday Party Celebrates 26 Years

Diane Burns and Cindy Hurst The PebbleCreek Ladies Nine-Hole Golf Association (PCL9GA) celebrated 26 years with a birthday party on Feb. 22, 2022. The league was formed in November 1995. Wendy Wisser and Jinny Pearson were the two ladies who were responsible for organizing the league. Initially, they were met with strong opposition; some people…