Board of Directors annual meeting minutes

PebbleCreek Homeowners Association Board of Directors annual meeting took place on Wednesday, April 16, 2014, in the Tuscany Falls Ballroom at 6:00 p.m. Present: John Kiekbusch/President/PCHOA, Nancy Wilson Smith/Vice-President PCHOA, Gregg Clymer/Secretary/PCHOA, Jack Sarsam/Treasurer/PCHOA and George Atwell/Director/PCHOA. Call to order and introductions by John Kiekbusch/President/PCHOA. Motion by Nancy Wilson Smith to approve the proposed March 19, 2014 Board…

State Parties – June 2014

South Dakotans

The Dakotas Patti Wegehaupt The Dakota people did it again! Yes, they gathered and celebrated the glory and honor of being from the Dakotas. There were as many people at the party as were in each state on Wednesday, April 16. Well, maybe not quite. Fun was had by all who attended the event. It…

Annual Home Tour notice

Our 18th annual Home Tour charity in PebbleCreek is looking for homeowners willing to share their home on our tour November 8 and 9. Contact Wally Campbell at 623-451-1100 for more information.

Renaissance ushers wanted

If you would like to be considered to be an usher for the various events in the Renaissance Theatre, please come to the Activities Office and fill out the form or send the following information by email to [email protected]: name, phone number, email, times available throughout the year (ex: snowbird), and whether or not you…

PebbleCreek TriChicks: A Year to Remember

The TriChicks after one of their many competitions

What have the PebbleCreek TriChicks been up to these past few months? Lots. It has been a busy but exciting fall and winter season for the Chicks with training, competitions, good deeds and socializing. The Snowbird Chicks arrived back in the fall to find the ubiquitous big yellow chick welcoming them on their front door.…

Men’s Christian Fellowship to hear “Israel and Prophecy update” presentation

Larry Gleason On June 4 at 7:30 a.m. in the Tuscany Falls Chianti Room, PebbleCreek’s Tom Chapman will present “Israel and Prophecy Update” to the Men’s Christian Fellowship. All PebbleCreek men are invited to attend this interesting and insightful presentation. Coffee and pastries will be available at 7:00 a.m. in the Tuscany Falls Coffee Bar…