The Dog Park regular mowing schedule has been announced. Weekly mowing will occur every Thursday from noon to 1:00 p.m. For the safety of all, the Dog Park will be closed during this one hour period each week. This schedule is subject to change due to weather, holidays or other circumstances as may arise. The…
Generals, December 2015
Dog Park mowing schedule announced
Generals, December 2015
Save the date for K-9 Unit Charity Golf Tournament
Mark your calendar for the seventh annual City of Goodyear Police Department K-9 Unit Charity Golf Tournament. This year’s tournament is scheduled for Sunday, March 6, 2016, on the Eagle’s Nest Golf Course. Registration and tournament information to follow. If you have any questions or would like to sponsor this event, please email [email protected].
Generals, December 2015
Premium group seats for Book of Mormon’s return to ASU Gammage
Your PebbleCreek Activities Office is pleased to announce that we have been able to secure a block of tickets for Book of Mormon at ASU Gammage when the production returns to the Valley in 2017. Our seats are in the coveted direct center section of the Orchestra area in rows 16, 17 and 18 on opening…
Generals, December 2015
PebbleCreek Community Church participates in Operation Christmas Child
Each year at this time, our PebbleCreek Community Church members fill shoe boxes with small gifts for children of all age groups (ages designated) to be shipped to 130 countries around the world. This program is a wonderful opportunity to share the Christmas story of God’s love through His Son Jesus Christ. We welcome others…
Generals, December 2015
Halloween dance costume winners
Traci Baker This year’s Halloween dance was extra Spooktacular with more amazing costumes and fun than any other monster mash we know of! Attendees boogey-manned all night to the sounds of DJ Jim Allen who scared up some of the best tunes from the 50s through today that had even the most tightly wrapped mummies…
Generals, December 2015
PCHOA Budget summary – 9-15 YTD
The September 2015 financials continued to show positive performance through the third quarter of the year. The September year-to-date revenue is 5.8% favorable to budget with all departments exceeding their planned revenue targets. Continued strong resident support of the dining and golf facilities have been a significant factor to these positive results. September had 13…