Look who’s talking! Its TED

TED’s back! It’s free and it’s interesting. TED Talks is coming back for another season. Presented by LifeLong Learning, we will again be sharing two hours of TED Talks monthly beginning Thursday, November 3 through April 6. Talks are held in the Palm Room at Eagle’s Nest and start at 2:00 p.m. “We’re excited to…

Meet the “Omelet Lady”

Eagle’s Nest lead cook Gloria Vazquez

Susan Knox Wilson If you are a regular at Eagle’s Nest Sunday Brunch, you may know Gloria Vazquez as the “omelet lady.” Gloria loves manning the omelet station for Sunday brunch because she gets out of the kitchen and has a chance to meet with her customers face to face – or rather food to…

Come one, come all to the annual Mistletoe Ball

Joanne Benz The PebbleCreek Ballroom Dance Club requests the pleasure of your company at their annual Mistletoe Ball Dinner Dance on Friday, November 11, 2016, in the Tuscany Falls Ballroom. This is an elegant evening of dining, dancing and festive camaraderie so get out your dancing shoes and put this date on your calendar. Enjoy…

PebbleCreek Lady Niners news

PCL9GA President Lynn Bishop-Pidcock, Vice-President Patty Greene and member Diana Berty are collecting money for the first two events — the fall Inter-Club Lady Niners Classic and an away play day at Falcon Dunes.

Pat Kaer The Lady Niners are ready to begin a new season. October brings the Sun City Grand ladies to PebbleCreek for a fun day of golf and lunch. Away play is planned for two of the weeks that PebbleCreek is overseeding the golf course. Upcoming Events The Lady Niners have many activities planned for…

T.T.T. Chapter Q: New year, new beginning

In October T.T.T. meets to discuss the new budget.

Penny Schneider Arizona Chapter Q begins a new fiscal every year on November 1. This past summer a group of members met over lunch to discuss a new budget which was led by our Treasurer Judy Layton. Once a proposed budget is formed, it is brought to the membership for discussion and approval. Last year’s…