Erv Stein With prevailing outstanding early fall weather conditions on the morning of September 28, a total of 112 highly charged and enthusiastic golfers from our PCMGA, PCM9GA, PCLGA and PCL9GA sanctioned golf groups participated in the highly anticipated sixth annual Summer Survivor Tournament. In recent years we have experienced a favorable increase in the…
Sports, November 2016
PCMGA hosts 6th annual Summer Survivors Tournament
Sports, November 2016
Hole-in-one for Cherrie Pierson on Palms #8
Lynn Matousek On October 7, 2016 PCLGA member Cherrie Pierson had a hole-in-one on Hole No. 8 of the Palms. She was playing with her friends, Sue Frens, a recent permanent resident of PebbleCreek and PCLGA member Carol Taylor. As Cherrie put it, she didn’t feel she made the perfect swing with her rescue club,…
Sports, November 2016
PebbleCreek Lady Niners
Sports, November 2016
New benches latest improvement at Bocce Complex
Pat Milich As participation in one of PebbleCreek’s most popular sports continues to expand, so has the need for adequate seating for Bocce team players. That need was met last month when 16 new concrete benches were installed at the community’s Bocce Complex at Eagle’s Nest. Added to the 16 benches that already existed at…
Sports, November 2016
PCLGA upcoming events
Lynn Matousek Here’s a teaser for some of the terrific events planned by the PCLGA for November and December. The PCLGA plays various games every Tuesday that add a fun element to the game of golf; however, there are a few tournaments coming up in the very near future that deserve special mention. November 15…
Sports, November 2016
Pro’s Corner
Jason Whitehill Q. It has been suggested that I get my putter cut down as I am an inconsistent putter and when I take my address position my arms are quite bent at the elbows. A. I suggest you look at the players on television as all the great putters are putting with relatively straight,…