Diane Randecker, Mary McCuen, and Doug Bieker are three of 10 new members in our PebbleCreek Glass Arts Club, showing their artistic enthusiasm after completing their Beginners Glass Fusion class on Sept. 24.
Rodney Jackson It’s time for another dance party event! There will be two performers. That’s right, two! The Tuscany Falls Ballroom and the Chianti Room will both be filled with music. In the ballroom will be a phenomenal new band to PebbleCreek, Outside The Line. This ultimate party band will keep you on your feet with…
Ardell Roberts Kelli Frederickson is our bright ball of sunshine who welcomes all with a smile! She’s a native Phoenician and has been teaching ceramics at PebbleCreek for six years. Kelli has always been interested in art. She thought hobbies that become a vocation would no longer be fun, but Kelli was delightfully surprised when…
David Zapatka Want some tips to help you with your forehand groundstroke? Quoting from Pickleball Fundamentals by Mary Littlewood, when hitting a forehand groundstroke, “From the moment the ball leaves the opponent’s paddle, you should be tracking its flight with your eyes to aid you in judging the speed and direction of the ball. Move to the…
Karen Giles Can you believe it’s already November? The start of the holiday season is upon us, and that means wonderful celebrations with family and friends. Mark your calendar now for the PebbleCreek Artists’ Holiday Fest. It is the best shopping experience for everyone on your holiday shopping list! From 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.…
Here are the HOA office and facility hours for Veterans Day on Thursday, Nov. 11. The Activities Office, Administration, Architectural and Landscape Committee Office, and Resident and Guest Services will be closed. The Patrol Office is closed, but regular patrol operations still take place. The Creative Arts Center will be open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.…
Curt Zimmerman The next meeting of the Men’s Christian Fellowship of PebbleCreek (MCFPC) is set for Wednesday, Nov. 3, in the Tuscany Falls Chianti Room at 7:30 a.m. The guest speaker will be Todd Lewis, a writer and retired communication teacher from Biola University in La Mirada, Calif. He is a professor emeritus, having spent…
A TRICARE For Life (TFL) briefing will be held Tuesday, Nov. 16 for all TRICARE beneficiaries who are eligible for Medicare Part A and B. This is a great event for TRICARE beneficiaries who have questions or want to learn more about the TFL program. Join us Nov. 16 at 9 a.m. or 1 p.m.…
Jan Hansen The Singles Club held their monthly membership meeting on Sept. 12, which featured guest speaker Kathleen Molony, who is the head of Mutts on a Mission. This interesting new program in PebbleCreek is a therapy dog volunteer organization. These furry friends provide comfort and healing to many in the West Valley. Therapy dogs…
Patti Wegehaupt, Activities Office The annual Christmas caroling events at PebbleCreek will be Dec. 15 and 16 this year! Plans include lots of Christmas cheer being shared with all residents, so please mark these special dates on your calendar. This year, the committee made up of Tuscany Falls and Eagle’s Nest residents are presenting three…