Nothing changes if nothing changes! Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. * The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. * There are no dues…
Category: Generals
Generals, August 2022
The Sizzling Summer Mix & Mingle – August 27

PebbleCreek residents are invited to join us at our Sizzling Summer Mix & Mingle on Saturday, Aug. 27, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., in the luxurious Chianti Room of Tuscany Falls Clubhouse. Shop with 16 local vendors showcasing their products and services. Enjoy an open cash bar, free food, entertainment including a Modshots Photobooth and…
Generals, August 2022
Top 10 Attributes for a HOA Board Member
The PebbleCreek Homeowners Association Election Committee is calling for candidates interested in running for PebbleCreek’s Board of Directors. The volunteer position is for a two-year term beginning Jan. 1, 2023. “We’ve done some research to help us understand what makes a successful board member,” commented Cliff Crooks, Election Committee Chairman. “We have learned from the…
Generals, August 2022
Cinema Society Renewing Member Sign Up
Traci Baker, Director of Community Activities & Communications The Cinema Society 2022-23 season starts soon! On select Thursdays at 10 a.m. in the Renaissance Theater, the Cinema Society is back for another season. Existing members can renew their Cinema Society subscription beginning Sept. 12. Your spot will be held through Sept. 30. Membership is $140…
Generals, August 2022
LifeLong Learning at PebbleCreek
Communicating Thoughts into Written Text Bill Nee This month’s TED Talk, by Neurotech entrepreneur Tom Oxley, titled, “A brain implant that turns your thoughts into text,” describes a leading-edge technology, called Stentrode, which is an implantable brain-to-computer interface that collects and wirelessly transmits information directly from the brain, without a need for open surgery. A…
Generals, August 2022
Unit 43B Volunteer Spotlight

Ever since the PebbleCreek Villas Association (Villas 43B) transitioned to homeowner control in 2017, Sandy Horvath has served in a number of volunteer roles, helping develop the association and improve the community. Sandy was a charter member of the Villas 43B Election Committee, the Communications Team, and has been a member of the Architecture and…
Generals, August 2022
Fall Wii Bowling Season Starting Soon
Melissa Kallett The fall season of Wii Bowling is set to return. Registration begins Aug. 22 and runs through Sept. 2 at the Eagle’s Nest Activities Office. The fall season runs on Mondays from Sept. 12 through Nov. 14, in the Tuscany Falls Ballroom. The season is comprised of two sessions: The Twi-Lite session plays from…
Generals, August 2022
Unit Happenings

Unit 44 with Pool Parties Galore! Spike Razem There’s no better way to beat the summer heat than to plunge into the refreshing pool waters of PebbleCreek. That’s exactly what happened twice with Unit 44 residents last month. On June 22 we gathered at the Tuscany Pool for a fun late afternoon/early evening to cool down,…
Generals, August 2022
Deadline Reminder and How to Submit an Article
The deadline for the September edition is Aug. 10 by 4 p.m. Please send your submission on time, and early if possible! You can email your submissions to [email protected] or use our website: For article and photo guidelines, or if you have questions, please call 480-895-4216.