Cinema Society Renewing Member Sign Up

Traci Baker, Director of Community Activities & Communications

The Cinema Society 2022-23 season starts soon! On select Thursdays at 10 a.m. in the Renaissance Theater, the Cinema Society is back for another season.

Existing members can renew their Cinema Society subscription beginning Sept. 12. Your spot will be held through Sept. 30. Membership is $140 per person; paid by credit/debit or member card. Film titles will be distributed upon signup. Season dates are as follows: Nov. 3, 2022; Dec. 1, 2022; Jan. 5, 2023; Feb. 9, 2023; March 9, 2023; and April 13, 2023.

New members can sign up beginning Oct. 3 at 9 a.m. in the Activities Office, provided space remains.