Traci Baker, Director of Community Activities and Communications Mini-Film Festival: 2021 Cinema Society Summer Series Aug. 12 and 13 Leonard Maltin’s Classic Favorites: Hitchcock Edition—Andy’s many years in the movie business gave him the opportunity to befriend some pretty spectacular people, one of those is the incredible film critic and TV personality, Leonard Maltin! Andy has…
Category: Generals
Generals, August 2021
Patrol Report
Patrol Dispatched Alarms All Other 15 All Facilities Locked at Night 31 All Facilities Unlocked AM 31 Animal Rules Leash 1 Animals Lost and Found 4 Animals Misc. 7 Auto Accidents 0 Barking Dog 0 Bee Complaints 0 Building Check 7 Damage to Property 2 Dead Animal Pickup 18 Debris on Road 13 Disabled Vehicle 4 Disturbance 1 Dust Dirt Complaint 2 Escort Guest/Homeowner 2 Flag and Sign Violations 13 Flat Tire Assistance 1…
Generals, August 2021
PebbleCreek Live On Stage

The Passing of Bruce Birnel Jeff Buda, Director of the PebbleCreek Big Band On June 22, family and friends said their goodbyes to Bruce Birnel. The service was held at The Sinai Mortuary in Phoenix with burial at Beth Israel Cemetery. He now lies next to the love of his life, Mimi, who passed away only…
Generals, August 2021
Fall Wii Bowling Season

Melissa Kallett The fall season of Wii Bowling is set to return. Registration begins Aug. 16 and runs through Aug. 31 at the Eagle’s Nest Activities Office. Due to its popularity, we recently purchased additional Nintendo Wii systems and relocated our league play to the larger Tuscany Falls Ballroom. That said, if registration exceeds our…
Generals, August 2021
Unit Happenings

Unit 62A Recap Toni Erickson It is June! The heat hasn’t slowed Unit 62A down. The usual activities remain on the calendar, with the addition of Family Feud night hosted by Jerry and Joanne Wrout. It was definitely a great time shared by all those in attendance. The early bird Men’s Breakfast was held at…
Generals, August 2021
Upcoming Virtual Excursions
Traci Baker, Director of Community Activities and Communications Join us for an educational and inspirational travel presentation given by destination experts. Presentations will be offered on the second Thursday of every month at 3 p.m. Everyone is welcome to join us. There is no cost. Learn about new destinations, dream about future travel, or just enjoy…
Generals, August 2021
19th Annual Poinsettia Ball
Suzanne Butler, Poinsettia Ball Co-Chair The spectacular Poinsettia Ball, sponsored by the Italian American Club, is back! This dinner and dance is THE kick-off event of the holiday season for PebbleCreek, so be sure to reserve the date for this year, which is Friday evening on Dec. 3. It is possible seating may be somewhat limited this year,…
Generals, August 2021
Mark Your Calendars
Traci Baker, Director of Community Activities and Communications Unless otherwise noted, all concerts are priced at $30 and are held at the Renaissance Theater. Concert tickets can be purchased online at 9 a.m. on the sale date by visiting (not the HOA website). Acceptable forms of payment for Concerts and Activities events (i.e., dance, bus…
Generals, August 2021
High Holidays
Ronnie Levine Rabbi David Mayer will lead again the High Holiday services for 2021. The current plan is to hold services in person in the Tuscany Ballroom. The dates of the services are Rosh Hashanah on Sept. 7, Kol Nidre in the evening of Sept. 15, and Yom Kippur on Sept. 16. The cost to…
Generals, August 2021
Just Folks Celebrate Kwanzaa: Save The Date
Arlene Banfield On Monday, Dec. 6, the Just Folks Association will celebrate the season of Kwanzaa with a breakfast program. This year’s theme highlights the second principle, Kujichagulia (koo–gee–cha–goo–lee–yah), self-determination. The event is open to all PebbleCreek residents, family, and friends. Please mark your calendars because you do not want to miss this program. It…