Category: Generals

LLL has a home! Move opens 70+ rooms for other groups

Thanks to the PebbleCreek HOA, LifeLong Learning now has its own space, a move that opens up meeting rooms in the Eagle’s Nest and Tuscany Clubhouses for the many clubs and groups that gather during the busy season. “As PebbleCreek grows, it is increasingly difficult to accommodate all the requests for rooms from clubs, committees,…

UBS Blood Drive – June 14th

Sue White As part of Kare Bears Health and Wellness effort, we are pleased to be offering a Blood Drive open to all residents on Tuesday, June 14 from 9:00 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. in the Palm Room at Eagle’s Nest. The sign-up sheet is at the Eagle’s Nest Clubhouse across from the Pro Shop.…

Unit Happenings

Unit 20 Shawnee Robison As the Unit 20 lovely ladies strolled into Bell Luna Ristorante on Wednesday, May 3 we were greeted by the hostess, Miss Jackie O. She was wearing a very warm smile as she escorted us to our special table for our monthly luncheon. At each place setting we found the cutest…

20th annual Fall Home and Landscape Tour

The annual Fall Home and Landscape Tour Committee members, Wally Campbell, Barbara Hockert, Charlotte Krause, Judy Peterson and Maggie Philippon, are hard at work preparing for the 20th annual Fall Home Tour. This yearly event is scheduled to be held on Saturday, November 12. Once again, many gracious homeowners will be opening their beautiful and…

State Parties

Coloradans discussing Super Bowl, powder skiing and PC life before dinner is served

Coloradans go to Margaritaville Kathee Mealer On April 18 PebbleCreek hosted the State of Colorado/Margaritaville party. Attendance was limited to the first 100 reservations which filled up quickly. The registration table hosted a large map of Colorado, with pins showing the homes of all who attended, and it was apparent that cities throughout the state…

Yom Hashoah observed on  May 6 by High Holidays Club

Commemoration of the six millions who died in the Holocaust

Brenda Hyman The first annual observance of Yom Hashoah had a capacity crowd. Our High Holidays Club welcomed 21 participants at the Tuscany Falls Restaurant Patio for a Shabbat dinner, blessings and a poem. Yom Hashoah commemorates the death of six million Jews that were killed during the Holocaust. Six Yahrzeit candles were lit as…

Cary Long – Comedian August 12

Cary Long is a fresh new face on the comedy scene. His act is full of everyday situations that everyone can relate to. He combines accents, cultures and nationalities into a rib-tickling performance that will have audiences laughing at themselves. Cary’s comedy is observational and he gets a lot of his routine from people he…


The article about Kathy Hubert-Wyss on page 56 of the May Post had a misleading headline. While she was one of the 34 gold medal winners, she was actually featured in the article for being the Dr. Pepper bike winner. Congratulations, Kathy!

Upcoming PebbleCreek events

Traci Baker Mark Your Calendar for the latest in entertainment brought to you by the PebbleCreek Activities Office. All events are at 7:00 p.m. in the Renaissance Theatre unless indicated otherwise. All concerts/comedy shows are priced at $25 unless otherwise noted. Arcosanti Tour and Lunch in Cottonwood Bus Day Trip – Thursday, June 9 Tour…