UBS Blood Drive – June 14th

Sue White

As part of Kare Bears Health and Wellness effort, we are pleased to be offering a Blood Drive open to all residents on Tuesday, June 14 from 9:00 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. in the Palm Room at Eagle’s Nest.

The sign-up sheet is at the Eagle’s Nest Clubhouse across from the Pro Shop. Appointments are scheduled every 15 minutes starting at 9:00 a.m. until 12:15 p.m. Two appointments can be scheduled at the same time. If you would rather sign up at home on your computer there is an instruction sheet explaining this process.

We want to encourage you to sign up on the computer to streamline the process on June 14.

To register online with United Blood Services, complete the Health History Questionnaire. The instructions, entitled “Streamline your next donation: Complete your health history online” are with the signup sheet or instructions can be found at Donors who complete the online health history questionnaire should print out the Fast Track Donation Ticket and bring it with you to the donor mobile on March 6.

Blood Donation Reminders on the Day of the Drive:

1. Hydrate and eat a meal prior to your donation – even better start hydrating the day before.

2. Bring ID with you (UBS donor card, driver’s license work well)

3. Make sure you are free of any cold or flu symptoms.

4. Have medication list available if needed.

5. Wear a top with loose-fitting sleeves (preferably short sleeves) so that we can check blood pressure and locate the best vein to use to collect your blood.

6. Bring a list of all countries (and cities/areas you have visited (with dates) in the past 12 months and do the same for all European countries you have visited since 1980.

7. You must weigh at least 110 pounds.

8. Waiting period between donations is 56 days for whole blood, 112 for double red cell donations.

Did you know you can save three lives just by donating your blood and it will only take 1/2 hour out of your day? In addition, your body produces healthier red cells after a donation: red cells carry oxygen to your vital organs. The blood supply at Valley Hospitals is in need of constant replenishing. UBS-AZ is one of three approved blood banks that can send blood to our military overseas.

Also, if you are taking prescription medications, 95% of them are fine and will not prevent you from donating blood. Some examples of acceptable meds are: insulin, blood pressure, cholesterol, anti-depressants, thyroid, allergy and aspirin.

Many thanks for helping Kare Bears helping neighbors!

If you have any questions, please contact the Kare Bears House at 536-1200.