For many in PebbleCreek, living here year-round is the way of life and for others, long travel or months in another city are the norm. For those folks, renting or leasing their home is something that just may be a great idea. We all know that you have to at least be financially secure to…
Category: Generals
Generals, June 2016
Patrol report
Patrol Dispatched Alarms 5 Animal leash rules 0 Assist homeowner 10 Auto accidents 3 Bee complaints 4 Complaint reports, Green cards 41 Property damage 0 Dead animal pick up 5 Disturbance 2 Dust, dirt complaint 2 Firearms, pellet gun 0 Fire 0 Flat tire assistance 0 Gate malfunctions 2 Golf cart tow 11 Golf course…
Generals, June 2016
Flag Day ceremony at Eagle’s Nest
In honor of Flag Day, Raceway Elks Lodge No. 2852 will be conducting a Flag Day ceremony. Mark your calendars! The celebration is Saturday, June 11, 2016, at the PebbleCreek Eagle’s Nest Ballroom, 3645 Clubhouse Dr., Goodyear, Arizona 85395, beginning at 10:00 a.m. The ceremony is open to the public. Come join us! The Benevolent…
Generals, June 2016
Summer “TV Dinners”
Melissa Kallett It’s time to play games—as the summertime hit TV Dinners returns on Friday, June 10 in the Tuscany Falls Ballroom and continues thereafter on the first Friday of the month in July and August. These fun filled evenings brought to you by your Recreation, Activities and Food & Beverage departments will provide you…
Generals, June 2016
Expressions Gallery – Inside and Out
Sherry Blatner With summer upon us and grandchildren visiting, add the Expressions Gallery to your to-do list. Little girls will love selecting one of a kind outfits for their 18-inch dolls. A large array of doll clothes and accessories are always available, from pool outfits to bridal gowns. It’s adorable to watch the little fashionistas…
Generals, June 2016
PCHOA budget summary – March 2016
The first quarter of 2016 is now complete and the March budget financials reflect the strong performance since the first of the year. The March YTD revenue is 5.6% favorable to budget with all departments exceeding their projected revenue for the first three months of the year. February had 18 new home closings including seven…
Generals, June 2016
Mark Your Calendar – Upcoming Events At PebbleCreek
Thursday, June 9 – Arcosanti Tour and Lunch in Cottonwood Bus Trip; on sale now at Activities; $99 per person; cash/check only Friday, June 10 – TV Dinner Game Night Summer Safari Dance announced! Thursday, June 9; Eagle’s Nest Ballroom, 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. Music by Thaddeus Rose! On sale May 10 at the Activities Office,…
Generals, June 2016
Charity event check presented to Goodyear Police K-9 Unit

Jim Ellison On Sunday, March 6 the Pet Companions Club of PebbleCreek sponsored a well-attended charity golf tournament which raised funds for the City of Goodyear Police Department K-9 Unit. This was the seventh year that this event has been held. Funds were raised through donations, golf entry fees, a raffle and sponsored activities on…
Generals, June 2016
PCHOA meeting minutes
PebbleCreek Homeowners’ Association Board of Directors Meeting, Wednesday, March 16, 2016, Tuscany Falls Ballroom, 11:00 a.m. Present: John Kiekbusch/President/PCHOA, Gregg Clymer/Vice-President/PCHOA, Sherry Gonzales/Director/PCHOA, Jack Sarsam/Treasurer/PCHOA and George Atwell/Secretary/PCHOA Call to order and introductions by John Kiekbusch/President/PCHOA Motion by Sherry Gonzales to approve the proposed draft of the February 17, 2016 Board of Directors meeting minutes, seconded by Gregg Clymer.…
Generals, June 2016
Creative Arts Festival update
Kay Jarrett Circle the date! The 2016 PebbleCreek Creative Arts Festival will be Saturday, November 12 in front of the Creative Arts Center, Tuscany Falls. Applications are being processed now for new vendors as well as for your favorite artists and artisans from previous years’ festivals. With the festival date a little later in the…