Expressions Gallery – Inside and Out

Sherry Blatner

With summer upon us and grandchildren visiting, add the Expressions Gallery to your to-do list. Little girls will love selecting one of a kind outfits for their 18-inch dolls. A large array of doll clothes and accessories are always available, from pool outfits to bridal gowns. It’s adorable to watch the little fashionistas so focused on selecting the perfect ensemble.

Fiber work is a growing trend in the gallery. Select from colorful microwave safe dish holders, wash cloths too pretty to use and a variety of dish towels enhanced with crochet or fabric tops. Don’t forget the newest little members of your family. Knitted and crocheted layettes are beautifully arranged for ease of selection. And ladies, even though it’s hot outside, wrap yourself in a lovely shawl or scarf for those cool air-conditioned venues.

If you were a June bride, it’s anniversary gift time. Either push your husband into the Gallery or shop for yourself from a wide array of handmade jewelry or choose from glass and ceramic items to create new memories in your home.

New to PebbleCreek? The final details to complete your décor are in the Gallery. Art and photography to hang on your empty walls; sometimes even outstanding diptychs or triptychs are available.

For those long hot days of summer, select a book written by one of your neighbors and don’t fold the pages to save your place, select a cool new bookmark.

Don’t cut your shopping spree short when you visit the Expressions Gallery. Some of the many clubs sharing the creative spaces in the Creative Arts Center present their inspiring crafts in large window displays throughout the building. Many of the items are for sale through the Gallery; some are for your visual enjoyment only and others are local and regional award-winning items that may inspire you to express your  creative self.