Chairs for the 2023 Summer Sizzler, Betty Wring and Catherine Numata, provided participants tee gifts with various lemon-related items.
Carole Schumacher
For the PCLGA ladies who spent this summer in PebbleCreek, the 2023 Summer Sizzler tournament was a two-lady team game of Four Corners played on the Tuscany East Course. More than 50 ladies participated in the Aug. 22 tournament, topped off with lunch catered by Wildflower Café and a pool party at the Oasis Pool. Awards were given to the top gross team and the two top net teams in each of three flights.
Best Lemonade Makers of the day were:
Flight One
1st Place Gross: Andrea Dilger and Susan Gavin
1st Place Net: Ellen Enright and Cindy Sota
2nd Place Net: Jana Cunningham and Chanca Morrell
Flight Two
1st Place Gross: Denise Johnson and Darleen Lockhart
1st Place Net: Barb Economou and Mary Pinski
2nd Place Net: Kathi Curtis and Donna Havener
Flight Three
1st Place Gross: Carole Escajeda and Carolyn Suttles
1st Place Net: Jeannie Alvarez and Linda Sweet
2nd Place Net (2-way tie): Karen Stadjuhar and Cindy Tollefson, and Cheryl Harper and Jeannie Mayone
Proximity and accuracy awards were also given in handicaps 0-21 and 22+. Sharon Hadley and Cheryl Harper had the longest drives; Ellen Enright and Patty Brown were Closest to the Pin on hole number 8; Cindy Soto and Cindy Tollefson had Closest to the Pin on hole number 17; and Ellen Enright and Karen Stadjuhar had Longest Putt on hole number 12.
The chairs for the 2023 Summer Sizzler, Betty Wring and Catherine Numata, showed up with their lemon shirts to make lemonade and provided all participants tee gifts with various lemon-related items.
Congratulations to all who made lemonade at our hot sizzler!